
How to start motorcross? girl, surrey?

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16 years old and a girl and i really want to try motorcross, but i have no idea how to start or where to go, or how much it wld cost.

i live in surrey, england. thanks any info wld help x




  1. I think you should RIDE, then learn to RACE.

    If your unable to balance, work the throttle and clutch, turn, and go over basic objects you will have a hard time JUMPING and stuff.

    At a race track, with other EXPERIENCED riders jumping you can be jumped on EASLIY if your REALLY SLOW. MOSt jumps landings are unable to be seen from the take off.

    So I recommend learning to RIDE A BIKE. Then you can go racing.

    Play ride with freinds or your parents (e-gadds not that)

    Do you like to be dirty ?? Do you like to have lil injuries??

    Will you be able to break an arm or legg and not freak out ??

    Not to say you WILL BREAK something, but if your not WILLING TO BREAK BONES, then I say you should do something else. like knitting.

    Seriously. The number one rule in Bikes is WHEN IN DOUBT GASS IT OUT.

    If you ride scared or timid, you will not be able to ride well.

    And it will be hard to learn the basics. Not impossible but hard.

    Learn the Basics BEFORE RACING. Lots of tapes you can buy Try Gary Semics

    And free tips on

    If your parents are not ABLE or not INTERESTED in supporting your racing/riding you will hvae a hard time, not impossible but RACING IS VERY EXPENSIVE.

    The bikes are not expensive, so when you start out it looks cheap.

    In USA it cost me $1,000 a weekend to race. NOW that is all-inclusive, Cost of race entry, cost of parts, food, hotel, travel.

    THAT IS NOT INCLUDING cost of truck and trailer.

    The first 'RACE' in Racing is for RESOURCES.

    RESOURCES make the RIDER.

    Not necessiarily money, TIME, Location, Natural Abliity, ETC are all resources.

    Money is the most important thing. It helps to well financed. NOw lots of racers are not. So it helps if your under-financed to be your own Mechanic, eat cheap, sleep cheap, be thrifty with parts and be EEASY ON THE BIKE. no risks that will beat up the Bike.

    if I go by myself and be cheap I can go for $ 300 a weekend.

    You have several things to overcome (listed in order of importance)

    1. you are 16, so you will be financially dependant on Parents or Sponsers.

    2. You have no bike, race equipment, or safety equipment.

    3. You have no RIDING SKILLS.

    4. You don't own a piece of property to build a practice track on.

    5. none of your CURRENT freinds or family is riding/racing.

    you can overcome all of these things.


    Go to a local motorcycle shop that sells Dirt Bikes, like a HOnda or Yamaha or Husquvarna Shop and they will know all the tracks in your area. And they will know how to sign up to race, places to play ride places to train. ETC.

    Be Friends with your local motorcycle shop they can help you get started the easiest.

    If ya'll can come to TEXAS for the Summer, (or winter) you can train on 2 private properties. one 1,000 acres, one with 1,800 acres. Just a thought.

  2. well you first have to be definite that you wanna do this because it is way too expensive of a sport to just TRY.

    once that's out of the way, get yourself a used (if you want) dirt bike of whatever choice you make, size and brand. then an option would be to go to, it tells you where literally every track in the world is. if that doesn't work just type in mx tracks on google or something and find a place to ride. from there just find a way of transportation for your bike and just go for it!

  3. Firstly google for all motocross tracks in your area.  I did and found several one of which is Lyne Motocross track there website is  

    Find out when they run race days and go along and watch what goes on at the track and you can find out what sections they have available for girls your age and what bikes those girls tend to race.  Things differ from country to country so what sections there is where I am may be different to what they have where you are.  

    Ask to speak to the race secretary of the club to find out how to join and what requirements there are to racing.  Again things differ as where I am you would have to have a senior licence and do a training course as a first time licence holder, but that may not apply to where you are.  You will most likely have to join the governing body of motorsport in England and if you do the race secretary will be able to tell you how to do that.

    It will cost you at least $4,000 to $5,000 to set up for the basics of racing, making sure you have all the proper protective gear.  And don't forget you have to get the bike to and from the track.  

    Make sure you put in plenty of time doing practice days before you even attempt to race as you need seat time on the bike to get used to it.  

    But the best people to ask for information is a local club as then you will get the correct information to suit you.

  4. I too live in Surrey - but without knowing

    where in Surrey, I can give you details of my closest club:

    Mid-Sussex Motorcross Club


    Tel: 07821 79002 - Sue Goodwin

    Sue is very helpful, she'll give you any info

    you might need - she'll give you details of

    clubs throughout Surrey.

  5. you want to get yourself a little 50 cc and then make it up to a 125 cc and then start to go to race days

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