
How to start of a persuasive speech on fast food?

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well my title says it all and i would like to know how u would start off a persuasive speech on how bad fast food is for u and convincing ur audience that it is




  1. By reading and studying the food nutrition guide associated with any fast food, processed food, frozen ready to eat meals, you will be able to see what is in hte food and the high fat and sodium levels in these types of foods.   While restaurant food, made to order probably has less fat, the large portions also hurt people who dine out.  For example :  then go into the calories in a burger from Outback, vs a burger from TGI Fridays, etc.

  2. start with a very shocking fact like the number of calories in things or how much fat things like that

  3. yesh yesh yesh - start with a fact like (this one i made up) - "every year 50000 people die from malaria. 5000000 die from starvation. 5000 die from fast food"

  4. Lean your speech to a two particular fast food place like McDonald's for example and watch Super Size me as reference.  You can read Fast Food Nation for some more references.  Start your essay with a statistic.  Ask your audience questions for example do you what to be ill? Good luck!

  5. start with the nutrition that is in the most popular fast food items (things like Big Macs, double cheese burgers, and so on).  from there talking about what this can do to your long term and even short term health would be easy.  another way to go would be to mention the movie Super Size Me.  if you're unfamiliar with this movie, its a documentary about a guy who eats nothing but McDonald's for a month, 3 times a day.  there's a lot in that movie that can help you get your point across on how bad fast food is.  another movie that may help you find facts to talk about may be Fast Food Nation, but i am unfamiliar with this movie, i have just heard about it.  but according to imdb it talks about health consequences of fast food along with the industries social and environmental consequences.

  6. What was that show? Super Size Me? I didnt see it, But maybe that will be of some use.

    Ewe - If you don't eat fast food for a while, your body totally rejects it. What does that say about it? Pretty clear answer right there evern if you don't take the calories, fat content and freshness into account

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