
How to start over after my wife leaves me?

by Guest55575  |  earlier

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How to start over after 8 years of marriage. My wife of 8 years is leaving me and I am having a hard time trying to start my life over. I am going to miss my kids. She wont let me see them anymore. I did nothing wrong. She was the one who cheeted on me. I am just lost. Please help me.




  1. First, go talk to a lawyer about getting access to the kids. They are your kids too. DO NOT let her take them away from you! Then start hitting the gym, eat a healthy diet, and take care of yourself. Exercise will make you feel better. Hang out with your friends and go have some fun. Go on a vacation. Do something you've always wanted to do that you never did while you were married. Things will get better for you. But you have to come to terms with the idea that this chapter of your life is over and another one is starting. Promise yourself that you are going to enjoy it. But seriously, go see a lawyer about seeing your kids! Good luck.

  2. First get some counseling, to get your head on straight, then do a mini makeover, then use Yahoo Personals/, and find a lady worthy of your trust... There are some trick,,, write if you need help.

  3. Step1: Identify any false hope you may have of reconciliation and kill it dead.  False hope will handicap you forever.

    Step2: Make a list of every experience you'd like to have before you end this life.  Be sure to include as many sexual things you're willing to admit to yourself.  Be sure to include things that seem improbable.

    Step3: For the rest of your life say this thought to yourself at least once each day - "I choose my greatest good."

    Step4: Learn the difference between external happiness and internal happiness and serve both equally.

    Step5: Work on your list and never stop.

  4. she can't let you not see your  kids.  She cheated on you so you should be happy that you are getting divorced and will have the opportunity to meet someone who will be true to you.  Remember how amazing it was when you and your wife were falling in love in the begining?  Well, you get to fall in love with someone new all over again - thats just the best!!!

  5. Get a good lawyer.

    Hang out with your friends and try not to spen a lot of time alone, that will make you bum out even more.

    If you are up to it dating non seriously could help take your mind off of it.

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