
How to start potty training my 2 yr old son?

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my son is 2 and i have tried to intoduce the potty but everytime he sits on it he thinks it's a toy car lol but i can't get him to start understanding what it's used for how can i train him when he thinks the potty is just something to play on? also is it true that boys are harder to train than girls?




  1. Experienced mom of 3 potty trained kids before they were 2.

    Short story:

    1. take him to potty as soon as he wakes

    2. sit beside him on step stool

    3. pour warm water on him until he goes, wait at least 2 min

    4. if he goes, repeat in 20 minutes

    5. if he doesn't go, repeat in 5 minutes

    6. ring a hand bell while hes going

    7. wash hands, ring another bell.

    8. praise once hes left the bathroom

    9. follow him around at least 2 minutes and remind him how big he his.

    Long Story:

    Put them on the pot as soon as they wake up, then every 20 minutes after that if they just went, and every 5 minutes if they couldn't go potty. Reward, reward, reward. What has worked wonders for my 3rd child is to sit on a step stool beside him while he was sitting on the pot and smile and say "Look, here comes the ti-ti! Look Here it comes, here it comes, and when he goes, say " YAY, there's the ti-ti...ringing a hand bell vigorously, yay, you did it!!!!! .oooooh better flush it down, its yucky......then wash his hands, letting him play a little bit in the water, and when hes done washing, let him ring a different bell, the kind you ring to get the clerks attention. ding, ding, ding He loves this one. Very important, once he's out of the restroom, follow him around for at least a minute, longer if you can, and say "you went potty, you went potty! yay, whos a big boy? you're a big boy! bend over touch your toes, and pop all the way up reaching your arms up over head, How big is (childs name), THIS BIG! HOW BIG? THIS BIG!!! Constant reminding, do you need to go potty? My third may be the easiest simply because of more experience, but I think hes just a natural born genious !  I have only been consistently training him in the above method for 4 days, and I have to carefully watch him, because he likes to go on his own now! Most of the time hes in the restroom is to go potty, but everynow and then I'll catch him playing. Be sure and be very firm about what goes in the potty is yuck, yuck, yuck. dont ever stick your hands in there, its so yucky!!! dont smile and laugh when saying this, he'll think its a joke, its not a joke, its not funny, dont make the mistake of laughing when you're trying to keep him from doing something unacceptable.  When and if you keep him in pull-ups (i dont reccommend because they delay the process) and he goes number 2, take him to the potty right away and tell him "ewww, ewww, ewwww, i cant believe you went yucky poo in your pullup, you dont want that on your bottom, lets take it where its supposed to go, and let him see you dump the poo in the potty...i know this seems gross but believe me it works! if they see it going in the potty, its easier for them to understand. You'll be surprised how fewer poopies you're having  to clean up. Hope this helps!

  2. Keep asking him if he has to go potty.  And when he says yes, intro the toilet.  It does not happen overnight though.  Also try sitting him on it and asking him to go, especially after meals, when he wakes up, and getting ready for bed.

  3. :-) I know what you mean!! I've been bringing my son to the potty about once an hour and asking if he as to go. Most of the time I have to go too, so I sit on the mommy potty (I'm pregnant hence the having to go ALOT). He's sorta getting it. He's gone once on the potty just not IN, he was wearing his diaper still. I've heard that boys are harder to train than girls, that same s*x training is easier but I don't know the science behind it.

  4. What I did (I have 2 sons) is i would make him sit on the potty when I knew he must be ready to go. I sat on the floor and read books to him and gave him toys to play with but he had to sit there.  When he went I made a big deal and I poured it in the potty and he got to flush (fun for them) and watch it go down.  It took a few days and he got the hang of it.  I did reward him with his favorite thing (cars) when he told me he had to go and then he did.  I also used the food dye trick put a dot in the bottm of the  bowl and when he pees then it will turn a color (magic) and that was always fun for them.  when I thought he needed to go I would put the dot of food color in the bowl and ask him if he needed to go and I would say what color is it going to be this time?  I gave my other kid M&M's for going.  Bribes work, but make a BIG deal out of it.  This was at age 2 because I had two in diapers!  All this was for sitting down and peeing with the guard up for boys, I didn't let them stand up until they were real good at aiming.

  5. What i did is, when my son did a poo(was quite obvious) then we kept saying next time do it in the potty. Of course this whole process takes time and will not happen over night. He got used to doing his poo's first then eventually he got the idea of doing wee's in there too. We did try him to early and he wasn't ready, so we waited for signs that he was ready himself and started again. hth.

  6. Look in the book section of wal-mart or where ever you shop. And look for potty training books. I have one for my boys but I can't remember what it is called. It is specifically for boys and it shows a little boy standing up and also sitting down. Get a couple of them and try reading them to him at bed time first. Let him watch his Dad go potty and show him that Daddy doesn't play on the toilett either.

  7. My daughter asked to sit on the toilet one day when she was about 2 and a half.  After that we never looked back.  I didn't try to force it before then.

    But I have heard that boys are harder to train than girls.

  8. Hello well he is obviously not ready for it some children do it quick others can take longer my son is nearly 2 and he is more less clean but i have always had the potty in the living room since he was about 7months and i have always told him what it is for and put his Teddy's on there saying that they are doing wee wees or poo. Just let him get used to it try just for a hour or so to run around with nothing on his bottom half and then if you see him wee quickly put him on the pot and say that that's where you go and if he does praise him so much jump,shout,clap,scream give him a little treat. Once he has done it he will want to go on there often it just takes time. Good luck PS get some carpet cleaner gone through bottles lol.

  9. Try potty training videos and books that you can get at the library. It worked for my nephew.

  10. wait until hes ready duhh..u cant force him to do it,hea gotta know when hes going to do it,not done it

  11. my daughter was 2 when I started potty training her. she is now 3 and completly trained. you have to be patient and just continue with bringing him to the potty. my daughter didn't like sitting on the little toy potty so I stuck her on the toilet. maybe you should try that. I took my daughter to the toilet every 20 mins or so just to  get her used to going and after a few weeks of practice she started telling me she had to go now she just goes on her own.

  12. Yes boys take longer because they have a longer urinary tube and feel less than girls. I really wouldn't worry about it, when he begins to tell you he is wet or pooed then you can begin to train him but honestly don't worry if he is 3 or 4. He will get it eventually! You are doing the right thing with the potty that he wants to play sit is good.

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