
How to start up a webpage , what courses do you need to know and can you do them online courses?

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make a website info all surrounding field information




  1. This is a simple question. Go to and learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Those are the main four for beginners, and the most useful. If you're hungry for more, learn XML and SQL. So learn them in this order:

    1. HTML

    2. CSS

    3. JavaScript

    4. PHP

    5. XML

    6. SQL

    I just named the ones that do different things. For example, instead of learning JavaScript, you could learn Ajax or VB Script or something of that nature. Another good website is

  2. You need to look at the various types of technologies that are available. The very base is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This is a script which allows the viewer's web browser to interpret how you want the page to look at. However, HTML is 'static'. if you want to make a change, you will need to make a change to your HTML file.

    If you want a dynamic site (one that you can add information to - or visitors can add information to) you should look into learning about databases as well. A database driven website can be very dynamic.

    There are many packages that will help you to develop web pages, however, if you want more advanced pages you will need to learn the languages.

    There are a few to look into. You don't need to learn all of them, but having a couple under your belt would be handy.






    Now, just to complicate things, HTML is very basic, and you should be looking at learning XTML/XML. You should also learn about CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

    I would recommend that you look at the W3Schools website ( website for free tutorials and tests.

    You may also want to look into a 'CMS' (Content Management System). There are many open source solutions that you may find helpful. These are generally written in PHP, Java or ASP. If you are going to use a CMS, try to learn about the language it is written in so that you can tailor it to your needs.

    Good luck.

  3. You need at least (X)HTML and CSS. I recommend JavaScript as well. I maintain a list of (free) web programming links at:

    The right-hand nav-bar is for online learning resources. There are links to both novice and expert level tutorials.

    There's also links to the best books in the right-hand nav-bar.

  4. I just learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver, using tutorials off the internet from them it was pretty easy.

    Good Luck  

  5. Learn HTML- it's easy.

    (no course required)

    A webpage is just a text file (write it in notepad and change the extension from .txt to .htm)

    It's just a markup language. eg if you want something to be in bold, you write <b>before it & </b> after it.

    You put pictures in with <img="url of image">

    It's a doddle & there are loads of free tutorials on how to do it.

    If you then want to use a program such as Dreamweaver to do the donkey work, you'll find that you can read the code & take out all the useless stuff all HTML editors put in.

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