
How to stay comfortable in extreme heat?

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Later this summer I'm going to a large outdoor music festival. The temps are expected to be in the 90s and very humid. There will be NO shade and a few thousand people. I'm planning on lots of sun screen, hat, sunglasses, light colored, and weight clothing. And of course drink TONS of water. Basically I'll be stuck in the middle of a field for a week.

Does anyone have any hints or tips on staying cool?




  1. wet your hair as often as possible.

  2. Everyone else has good ideas, I just wanted to add one thing:  Spray bottles, of water.....or a plant mister.  I used to occasionally attend dog field trials in April, in Florida.  The weather was more often hot than it was mild.  We kept the dogs and ourselves cool with plant misters.  

    You can pick up a plant mister for about 10 bucks at Wal Mart.  It may be a bit bulky to carry around depending on what else you have, but if you can manage it, it'll make a difference :).

  3. go to high end store like dillards, macys, and look for

    cosmetic section then go to the ORGINS corner or

    go to and look for this tiny little bottle

    I think it says sensual something or other you put

    one tiny drop on back of your neck at your temples

    and on your wrist and you will feel RELIEF cool breeze cost about $12.00 (last summer I got two small

    bottles at that price) and I still have one bottle just

    a little goes long way ...

    I get HOT easy and I live in missouri and this helps

    me survive the hot oppresive swelterting summer heat

    and humidity.....

    Good luck at the festival sounds fun but I could not do

    it anymore I used to go camping in the desert and

    the colorado river where heat would be up to

    113 degrees PLUS and no more heat for me.

  4. my cousins lived in yuma once... the temp there was low 100's! i suggest i would try to stay out of the sun during the mid afternoon. it is especially hot that way. stay cool as long as you can cuz its easy to get hot but not so easy to cool down. you said there was going to be no shade. are there trees? if so go b4 you think everyone will be there or be the first ther. set up under a tree, if there are no trees bring a tent or a tarp or something to supply shade. also be sure to drink LOTS of water like you said. you can even bring a cooler with ice in it and waterbottles to stay cool and hydrated.  i hope you have fun @ ur music festuval !

  5. WOW. I always wet towels and put them in coolers; you can put them on your forehead for a little relief. You might want to invest in small hand-held fans. h**l, an industrial fan would be excellent if there's a power source, but I'm assuming there won't be. Create some source of shade: Tents are excellent; if you need prop up towels, or blankets with something. Even if you have sunscreen, your body-temperature is going to rise when exposed to large amounts of sun, so some sort of shade is necessary. If this isn't possible, I'd suggest wearing light weight, thin, and light-colored clothing that covers much your arms and legs for parts of the day.


    -Sleep, you'll need the energy.

    -Eat small meals often. Avoid salt.

    -Don't eat spicy foods.

    -I prefer to sleep on towels at night, rather than blankets; they're cooler I find.

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