in my opinion, its immature to take sides in a situation that has nothing to do with you. about 5 to 6 months ago i had a falling out with a friend and we havent spoken since which i admit was one of the wisest choices i have ever made. we have a mutual friend whos closer to my ex friend then she is to me.this girl i have never fully trusted because shes betrayed me before and she has admitted that she didnt used to like me when she always acted friendly to me. now shes giving me the cold shoulder because i guess my ex friend told her why we stopped talking or something along those lines and shes taking sides which as i said, is really immature. my question is, how do you stay positive and confident? it bothers me that other people get involved in situatons that are not theirs and how people who dislike you can have such an impact on people because of their negative ideas of you. im already naturally not a confident person so how do i not let it bother me? thanks in advance