
How to stay >>>FOCUSED<<<??

by  |  earlier

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i am almost always procrastinating and scattered all over the place. the thought of having to HAVE to do something overwhelms me so i put it off as long as possible and than i have to deal with having put it off that late and the stress related to that.

so, advice?




  1. see a psychiatrist  

  2. i have the same problem. what i do is write down exactly what needs to be done and when. then number which ones need to be done soon and which ones can be put off. get a planner and mark dates and everything important. if you stress out do something that relaxes you. while i write i listen to music or i color. so just relax and don&#039;t get overwhelmed.  

  3. I do it all the time, I work so much better under pressure.

    if this has become a problem for you just tell yourself everything is due a week before it is therefore you will be done before

    or get into a rutine give yourself 2 to 3 hours a day to do whatever needs to be done, that way you don&#039;t have to finish everything at one time and you know those 2 to 3 hours are for whatever you procrastinate.

  4. HOLY c**p! 2, me 2! im procrastinating now! i should be studying 4 a huge bio test, but instead im on here answering questions! lol! the queen of procrastination! ha!

    what keeps me from procrastinating is getting into a routine, you know? like in the morining, i get up and go for a walk...i allow myself 30 minutes of internet time a day...i have 2-3 hours worth of free time everyday...and so on...routine helps! you get your basic needs taken care of, you have hours of stress free time, which allows plenty of time for you to bite the bullet, do your work, saving yourself from as much stress as possible

    its just im coming out of summer time, and im trying 2 get back in the swing of about a week i should be better! lol!

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