
How to steal spray paint![steps only plz!!!]?

by  |  earlier

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plz tell mii




  1. ok, i don't know where the paint is, so I'll be kinda basic:

    1.  Locate spray pain

    2. make sure no one is around (if someone is, u can either wait, or knock them out with a hammer)

    3. take spray paint.

    4. run away.

    DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for any crime or lawsuit you may face by following the above advice.


  2. I'm guessin that means that you are under the correct age to actually buy the stuff.

    don't kill anymore of your brain cells. you're lacking them as it is.

  3. What are you using it for? If you need it for something like a project why not ask your parents to get it for you?And if your going to inhale that c**p than well your just dumb then.            Here your steps:

    1.Think about.(mite take a while for you)

    2. Then don't do it.

    3. Find something better to do!

    4.Oh and don't forget to breathe :) (NOT INHALE)

              have a nice day

  4. Steal spray paint?   Hmmm, you're a wannabe thief.  Great!  You're trying to make prices go up even higher, hurting all the honest folks out there using it for the proper reasons.  In certain Home Depots...they've locked it all up, thanks to dumba$$$es like you that think they should be told how to steal.  Grow up!

  5. Citizen's Arrest!

  6. grab it and walk out. Not that hard.

  7. Why would you want to steal spray paint? Its like 5 bucks.

  8. can't spell either

  9. Take the spray can off the shelf.

    remove the top

    Spray the paint into your pants pocket.

    replace the top

    Put the can back on the shelf.

    Walk out with the paint in your pocket.

  10. Shouldn't even bother answering this but, if you are that dumb to even ask such a question just "step" to your local police station and just tell them you just can't help yourself and to lock you up in a padded room so honest folk like me can pay a small donation to charity to beat the ---- out of you.

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