
How to stop 7 month old Pup from using Pee pee pads?

by Guest61660  |  earlier

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I have two questions actually, 1st how do you train a pup to stop using pee pads at 7 months, and this dog has been crate trained from day one, I adopted him but tonight he is barking like crazy in his crate. I have ignored him for about an hour...will this ever stop??!!




  1. take the pee pads way until he is used to it

    i think he is barking because maybe he is barking to the other dogs?

  2. i had the same problem with my cocker , i started the potty training with the pee pads, and i moved  them closer and closer to the door, and finally i started taking them outside, she is now potty trained, i also did the crate training too, my puppy barked for and hour every night that i put her in there, but i just ignored her and the she finally stopped barking, give him no attention when in the crate until he stops barking, and then when he stops, praise him with a treat and tell him good boy or good quiet, and do it every time he is quiet for more then a sec lol. good luck , i know it is very frustrateing

  3. start taking your puppy outside about every 30 minutes and when he does use the bathroom outside praise him with a treat and tell him good boy and get excited every time he pees outside

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