
How to stop REALLY bad nightmares?

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I don't mean nightmares like 'oh no, a scary dog is chasing me' I mean nightmares like 'ohshit, I'm cutting someones head off'

They're all very graphic and realistic. I wake up sweating and cold, thinking it was real.

I absolutely don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Nor do I watch scary movies before bed. I drink a cup of hot tea before bed every night, and I'm not insane...though I'm possibly depressed. I do have a tough home life. Please help, I've had these for two years and I've had enough. Ideas?




  1. well,let's see

    1) wash your face

    2)if you love to read ,read before you sleep!.

    3)you might been stressed out from work if you work!.

    4)might be worry about what you did!.

    5)give your self a break take a kitkat lol jk jk but you could go to park!..

    6)and thier might be some problems at home you should really deal with it,but you are delaying it so you must deal with it as soon as possible or check the therapy....

    i hope i helped im just under age 17yo so i got nothing plus im in a vicaition so yeah! godd luck anywayz

  2. If you've been having these same dreams for two years, you might have some psychological issue. Or it may be a stressor that you have that is "releasing" itself in your subconcious. You could talk to a therapist or consult a dream book to find out why you're having those dreams.

    I heard that eating pizza before bed gives people nightmares, but I doubt you eat pizza every night.  

  3. i dont know if this will help you, but it may give you more insight on why your are dreaming these things.  every time i have a strange, horrifying, or even great dream i look up the little details like "blood" "murder"  etc. on this websight and it gove you somewat of an insight.

    i mean im sure ts not 100% accurate, but it at leats make me feel better and i hope it will help you in some way.

    Thanks for reading

  4. I would say consult both a psychologist and a neurologist.  Perhaps you should have a sleep study done.  Sometimes chemicals in the brain cause bizarre violent dreams.  If you are unable to express anger at home, you may be letting off steam in your sleep.  It is also possible you are afraid of what you are capable of, which is a good thing actually because it means you care.  I quit smoking last year and used Chantix... I have never even defended myself in real life, but I had gory graphic dreams similar to yours.  Chantix works on the Acetylcholine receptors in the brain which we haven't really researched fully, so maybe you have an imbalance there.

  5. Yep, pray to the 'I am', always works for me

  6. Try starting your own dream before you go to sleep. Or replaying good memories. Just start out your plot as you lay down to sleep, and keep it going till you fall asleep. It works for me most nights, you just have to keep your eyes open for new things you would want to dream about, because the same ones can get old after a while. (It works like daydreaming)

  7. "All" people in your dreams are just different parts of your own psyche.  If you are cutting someones head are trying to kill off a part of you that you no longer need.  Your sub-conscious is trying to let you know this.  Look at the person that you are killing and think about what this person depicts to you.  Nightmares are only something that you have to confront in your personal life.  Once confronted, they will cease.  HUGS!!

  8. These could be carry-overs from a past life, or past lives.  The more bad dreams you have, the more your subconscience is trying to work them out, and make sense of them.  They are obviously very strong, and it will take time.  Read Sylvia Browne and what she has to say on past lives.  Also, for Great Dreams, I take 2 or 3 Valerian Root capsules, a natural sleep aid, you can get at Longs, Wal-Mart, drug store. 2 is usually good, and watch your dream pattern change.  I'll bet you anything, your dreams will change.  Take Care...

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