
How to stop a 6yr old stop doing poos in her knickers????

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A friend of mine has a 6 yr old daughter who keeps pooing in her knickers!!! She does it up to 6 times a day, it's getting beyond a joke and even the doctors and nurses can't give her any ideas on how to stop it!!!

Anyone else know anything to help!!!!!!!





  1. Any child who has to have a bm 6 times a day has an underlying medical issue.  This needs to be a discussion w/ the doctors - it could be her diet, or a something like celiac disease.

  2. I suggest waiting for a time when your friend has several days in a row to devote to the problem so the message will really be taken in by this child. I too would have the child clean her own body and her own undies and put on her own new clothing. This is putting the reponsibility of her actions ON HER. I also would have her sit on the toilet every hour- or more- to try to go in the correct place. I'm wondering if she has an issue with letting her bowel movements go away- as in doing it in the toilet and flushing it away. It's an infantile thing, but maybe she had a trauma when she was younger- or whatever. She may make sure she doesn't go on the toilet and wait til she can go in her pants. It's possible it's a control issue, too. Difficult to say. If it can't be resolved soon, I would take her to a child psychologist for a chat. Has your friend tried taking away her favorite things, timeouts- or on the other side, rewarding her for going in the toilet? Tough one, and very frustrating, I'm sure. Good luck

  3. It's tough I know.  My daughter is 7 and still does this.  I took her to the doctor to see what we could do.  He said it is very common and if she is still doing this at 8 bring her back in and he will look internally for the problem.  We have tried literally everything.  The thing that has helped most is letting her call her favorite "person" after using the toilet properly.  If that "person" is Dora, Boots, Superman or Wonderwoman find someone you can call at any time of day that can act  them.  My experience...have to keep up with this...don't slack.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Wow..Well you should tell her that when she feels like she has to poo that she runs to the bathroom no matter what.And because your kid is 6 years old you can reward her everyday she doesn't poo poo in her underwear.I know that it sounds crazy but you could give it a try.


  5. She is old enough to know better.  After she does it tell her okay now clean yourself up.  Make her clean her bum and also make her help clean out her underwear.  Let her see what it's like and tell her that for now own she will have to clean up after herself every time she goes in her pants.  My sister works with young special education kids and another method is to literally make her sit on the toilet after she eats (or when you think it 's that time)until she goes.  They also make up songs about going to the bathroom and have the kids sing them to encourage them to go and to make it more fun.  It sounds crazy but it really works.

  6. you should tell your frend to get down to her level and ask her why she does this. if she has no awnser then you should give her a diaper and say she needs it... shell straighten up. my cuzin was 8 when he finally was potty trained. i supose its kinda normal but rare.

  7. She has a bowel movement 6 times a day? Thats not healthy. Anyway, I would reward her for going on the potty with a sticker chart. After 10 stickers, get her a toy.

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