
How to stop a child from bed wetting?

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he 6 he still wets the bed with the bathroom across the hall what can i do t stop him from wetting the bed?




  1. with boys its a normal thing...alot of times thier bladder is to small for thier boys are nine and when they where six they where still wetting the bed...doctors say its normal. only thing you can do is reward for when he doesnt wet the bed.

  2. He probably has a bladder problem, see a doctor!

  3. It's normal.  If you haven't already, you might want to take him to the doctor's to make sure all is well.  If it is, then it's just a matter of waiting until his bladder matures more.  Good luck.

  4. There are several ways to help. the best is not to loose your water and start running him down about it. His bladder is simply not keeping up with the rest of his body growth, this is not uncommon or dangerous, it will correct itself with time.So ease up and bide your time , give him support, as its embarrassing for him .He simply cannot help ,what he cant control

  5. try before he goes to bed not to give him too many drinks,

    if he,s thirsty just a sip of water. make sure he goes last thing before he goes in to bed. and i know it sounds cruel but when you go to bed yourself,  get him out of bed , carry him if you must and take him to the toilet again then. it may help him get through the night , without wetting. other than that there is nothing you can do till he out grows it

  6. you can't stop him. he'll stop when his body is ready. till then, get pull-ups and put a rubber sheet on his bed. don't give him anything to drink after 6 pm. see if that works.

  7. Hi it's me! Ok well look if you want your child to not wet the bed, you can put a plastic sheet on the bed it's comfortable believe me! Tell your child that when he wets the bed a monster comes out and takes him away from the night JK :p. Or you can tell him/her that when you have to go potty in the middle of the night get him/her's lazy butt up and go pee or poo!

  8. My daughter recently had an issue with bed wetting.  I would cut her off from liquids about 1 hour before bedtime.  I would also wait until she had been asleep for about 2 hours (or set my alarm clock if I felt as though I was going to fall alseep soon) and then walk her to the bathroom and she would wake up dry.  It's a phase that most children go through.  This is very embarrassing for children so be very patient and pleasant.  You don't want your son to feel belittled.

  9. no drinks 1 hour before bed, going to the bathroom prior to bedtime, make sure he's warm enough

    and see a doctor, it can be a sign of something with his health

  10. My son was still wetting the bed and in pull ups at night when he turned 6 last summer. In the fall we bought an alarm to help train him. We used it for a few nights and he stopped wetting the bed. It's weird because the alarm didn't have time to train him, and it was the first time we consistently put him in underwear.

    He still had an accident every so often (once a month maybe), but he'll be 7 next week and I think we are over it for good (I hope). I think they just grow out of it...but if it bothers him, try an just makes a loud noise to wake them.

    I was surprised how many of my friends boys were still in pull ups at night at this age.

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