
How to stop a child sucking their fingers?

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Have a girl that is 6 years old that constantly sucks her two fingers. it is affecting her teeth and also in social situations.

we have tried bad tasting nail polish and band aids but nothing seems to stop her from doing it.

its as if she doesnt even realise she's doing it.

any ideas?




  1. put yucky food on their fingers-tomatoes,cabbage stuff kids hate today

  2. It is a comfort thing. Some kids twirl their hair, some have a blanket so on. Try and see when she does it, nervous reaction, frustration so on. A lot of the time helping them cope with things differently will rid the behavior.

    You can also keep the hands busy.When she does it hand her something, keeping the hand full and busy.

    My son twirled his hair till he had a bald spot. Was really bad when he started school. Took a few weeks to get him to relax and he slowly stopped doing it.

  3. One sound spanking and she'll never do it again.  Explain that she really needs to not do it again and that if she doesn't stop she will get spanked.  If she keeps it up give her 4-7 hard swats with your hand on her butt.  Make it clear that repeating her behavior again will result in another spanking.  She won't do it again after that and in time will learn to think of finger-sucking as immature.

  4. well..... my daughter use to bite her fingernails and what I did to stop that was, I put hot sauce on her fingers. I know it sounds cruel but its really not. Just put some mild hot sauce on her fingers and when she gets enough of that, then she will probably stop.

  5. What is affecting her teeth is called GENETICS.  The shape of one's mouth and jaw are determined by genetics not whether one sucks their fingers, thumbs, toes or pacifiers.  Positions of the teeth are determined by the shape of the mouth and jaw...again dependent upon genetics.  Not from sucking toes, fingers, thumbs or pacifiers.  As far as social situations, if she is teased and it doesn't bother her then so what?  Sounds to me as if you're afraid your child's behavior will reflect badly on YOU and that you raise your child accordingly.  I feel sorry for your child if that is the case.

  6. keep there pant loose and realize them if they loos that pant the public area will be visible and that is shameful so when they will catch the pant at that time they cannot suck the thumb no joke try this

  7. Yeah, its something that they look to for comfort.. Try to convert her to something else.. Like playing with a barbie doll instead. Or scare her out of it, like, say her teeth ill fall out or sumthing..

  8. Lemon juice? Have you tried that? If you have then... I have no idea, sorry.

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