
How to stop breast feeding for baby?

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baby is 1.8 years old

like to stop breast feeding plz post some ideas

thank you




  1. Cold turkey. Try Similac Go and Grow formula with a bottle for comfort, I did that up until age 3. But also if you haven't introduced a sippy cup I would use that as well with juices/other drinks. Is baby eating normal adult food yet? If you haven't tried Gerbers lil Entrees, you should try those.

  2. Wean gradually.  If baby isn't taking a cup, start offering a cup with water, diluted juice and milk. Once baby is comfortable with the cup, gradually reduce nursing sessions.  You can try 'don't offer-don't refuse' where you nurse when toddler asks, but never offer, or you can try various methods of distraction. (At times when baby usually 'asks', try starting a different, fun activity first, or offer a solid-food snack.)

    Go gradually and gently and don't try to force it. (I would not introduce a bottle at this age.  A toddler can be weaned directly to a cup.)

  3. I moved my son to only nursing in the morning and at night.  I then went to only nursing at night.  One day I just stopped all together and would not let him nurse anymore.  I told him that his milk was in the cup and he was OK with that.  It might have been easier because he went to daycare and took a bottle during the day.  Each child is different.  

  4. cut out the mid day feeding, and give him a cup instead.  Still breast feed in the morning and night.  After two-three weeks cut out the night feeding (give a sippy cup instead) and only breast feed in the morning.  After two weeks replace the morning breast feeding with a cup.  Your child will be persistent and won't want to take the cup, but he won't starve, and will eventually take it.

    don't move him from the breast and to a bottle, this will cause you to have to repeat the process to remove him from the bottle.

  5. You have to slowly wean off.  For your sake as well.

    If you just immediately stop, your b*****s will become engorged and this hurts extremely bad.  Not to mention, almost every time you hear a baby cry-doesn't have to be your will start leaking like a siv...

    Start by your normal schedule...cut out one feeding, but give the baby breast milk PUMPED in a bottle.  After a few days, cut out another feeding, until you are just doing maybe a night feeding and a morning feeding, or a middle of the night feeding-then just slowly wean from that as well...give the baby a bottle, and if the baby doesn't act hungry, and is just fussy, nurse for a few minutes, until baby falls asleep or calms...

    As for the breast problem....wean yourself slowly too!!  Pump like 3 times a day...then after a few days, 2 times, then after a few days, 1 time...then just pump until your b*****s feel a little more comfortable...this may be just a few mins now and then.

    Good is a difficult time.

    Slowly break to a sippy as well-though this is not necassary-because with my daughter-at a year old, I took all the bottles and threw them in the trash and started giving her a sipper.  My son was at 6 months, because he was chewing the nipples off the  Needless to say I broke him from nursing at 7 months-which that last month was only 1 feeding a day!  lol

  6. start giving him a bottle. If you feed him a regular intervals, start by giving it to him once or twice a day for a few days, and hold him while he uses it. If the milk or juice comes out of it easy enough, he may start to ask for it. After a few days, give it to him more often. He's getting a bit older, he may also like the freedom of being able to toddle about while holding his drink.Within a week, it will be harder for him to get milk from you (you'll be drying up!), and will turn to the bottle more.

  7. The best way is to try and get them using a sippy cup. You can do it gradually instead of quitting all at once. Night and morning feedings are usually the last to go.  

  8. I tappered off. Skip a breastfeeding session and offer a cup or bottle. I started with a feeding that she wasn't crazy for. I kept the night feeding till just before I stopped. It is a little hairy in the begining, but finally your supply will decrease and make stopping easier. I was told to  plan a quit date, and figure out how many breastfeeding you do, and start cutting them out. If you know you have 2 weeks, make a schedule that works for you and try it out.

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