
How to stop confidence performance problem?

by Guest10878  |  earlier

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When i perform on the piano, I can never perform up to my best standard because I am so scared and unconfident.

Sometimes my hands shake so much that i can barely press the keys, which really is a problem in songs like hungarian rhapsody no.2 by liszt.

Please can someone tell me how I can overcome this, and please dont tell me to take deep breaths and imagine the audience in underwear... because ive tried it




  1. Hello, I know exactly how you feel I play piano myself but I realised very quickly that I didn't want to perform infront of people, I decided that for me it was a personal thing I didn't feel comfortable sharing with an audience of people. Perhaps this is the case with you? If it isn't I can only say that it is probably just a matter of powering through it. I'm pretty sure there isn't a quick fix it's just a matter of developing your confidence through persistance and time. Although things you can do to ease any performance anxiety is as others say make sure you know your piece so well that no matter what you can play it. Also you could try family and friends or small venues so that you can slowly build your confidence to a point where you feel comfortable with a big audience. Another thing you could try doing is to try and find what the root of your fear is, is it a fear of making a mistake? Of people passing judgement on your performance? Everyone gets nervous before they perform but hopefully you'll be able to limit it to the usual sweaty hands and butterflies in the stomach i.e. so that it does not impair your playing!

    Hope this helped

  2. Hey

    I get the same problem when I am going on stage for a dance performance. I just pretend its a rehersal and imagine the only person watching me is my teacher. Just relax and take it easy, you'll get over it easy.

  3. Go into the performance as prepared as possible.

    Practice the performance several times in front of others:  family members, friends, the dog if necessary.  While doing this, visualize yourself on the real stage.

    And most of all, have fun during the performance, and realize that since you are prepared, everything will go great.

  4. hunny, you need to step it up!!

    i'm in the highschool marching band, wind band, winterguard, and a dance crew. i know alot about stage presence! & good stage presence is something many people look for in musicians, dancers, etc!

    you just need to learn that no matter what, that moment is YOUR time to shine! you can't let anyone steal your glorious moment, and the one thing that steals it from you now, is your own self! come out of the cacoon hun!

    hold your head up high, and be proud of your skills and talent!  all musicians, dancers, artists, etc, i think we all have beautiful spirits.

    it's so selfish of you to keep your talent all to yourself! share it with us babe! let it out!

    before a performance, say to yourself, i'm amazing, i can do this, i'm shining right now, and nothing is going to stop me!

    goodluck hun.

    you just need to break out of your shell!!!!!!!


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