
How to stop depression?

by Guest63406  |  earlier

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I recently found out that my dad has cancer and isn't going to make it, with or without chemo. since then i have felt deep depression, and cant seem to get out of it. it has been about 3 weeks since the news, but it seems like months ago. im tired of it, how can I stop feeling so depressed?




  1. Go out and have fun!!! Cheer up your dad and spend lots of time with him! If you don' will regret it! This is the time to celebrate do it!

    NOW! :)

  2. That's really sad,

    Mom and dad is one of the most loving and important peoples in family.

    its very natural to feel bad about this situation.I think you must have to help your self by understanding every person how came on earth have to go some day.mentally you must prepare your self by taking his responsibility and spending some quality time with him. I had gone under such situation  and over come by self hypnosis.


  3. Let yourself go through the grieving process. There are several phases. Many people try to ignore it and end up mentally ill because they got stuck in the middle of grief for the rest of their own lives and never let go. Recommend you visit the library or book store for information on Grieving. There are also support groups. Help your Dad make the most of the time he has left by being there for him emotionally as well as physically. Talk to him about your feelings and ask him about his. If he can still get around take him on short family excursions, spend time in nature, walk outside often etc. Invite other family members to come along.

  4. I am really sorry to hear about your father.  The loss of a parent is very difficult for anyone and It not something that you will just get over.  Just make sure that you tell him how much you love him and appreciate him.  Let him know that you will be there for him.  If you feel scared, imagine how scared he feels.  Let him know that you will be there for him.  If you need to cry, cry.  Don't hold back your tears.  Most hospitals have some type of family counseling for families going through what you are going through.  Find out from the hospital where you can go to get grief counseling.  Many times they may be able to refer you to someplace that is free.  Also, take time and talk to God.  You don't need to have any formal speech prepared to talk to God.  Just talk to him like your are talking to a trusted friend.  You can talk to him anytime, anywhere.  My prayers are with you.

  5. Unfortunately, there's no quick-fix to depression. It takes time. Seek out therapy, which may lead to medication. However, It is important to see a professional as well-don't just get a prescription and expect pills to solve all of your problems.

  6. Therapy, medication, physical activity, meditation, and relaxation.

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