
How to stop dirheha.?

by  |  earlier

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omg, i ate taco bell, now i have

food posiening, how can i stop

dirheahha? its liquid.




  1. Immodium is very effective.  Pepto Bismol is pretty good.  If you want to go the natural food route - acidophilus tablets will help.

  2. just let it out.

    go to the grocery store, or the drugstore, and get anti-diarrheal. for me, cvs brand works better than immodium or something, but yeah. just take one of those and it works really fast, too.

  3. Lol!!! Its d-i-a-r-r-h-e-a. I don't know how to stop it. Just make sure you don't go anywhere for awhile.

    Edit: I just answered a question that asked whats my favorite thing at taco bell. Someone above me said that Taco Bell puts laxatives in their meat to make people like you c**p all of the meat out because its so bad for you! Maybe we shouldn't eat there anymore...ugh!

  4. Let it run through if it is food poisoning then it is your bodies way of flushing it out. drink plenty of fluids and take the day off. be careful not to get too dehydrated though. I would let it go for a few hours to flush me and then take immodium ad-quite affective.

  5. go to the doctor or something

  6. drink water. your body is dehydrated and it'll make your stool firm again

  7. thats the bodys way of cleaning your body call home and go home and relax and take a nap or watch some TV

  8. imodium works great. But if it is food poisoning U may need to go to the hospital. something may just have disagreed with u .

  9. Eat yogurt or take a vitamin called acidophilus.....i don't recommend taking immodium because when you have food poisoning the diarrhea is the bodies way of getting rid of the bad bacteria in your stomach...the downside is it gets rid of the good bacteria also...acidophilus (same as yogurt) will put the good bacteria back in your stomach and allow your body to naturally correct itself...while still getting rid of what is making you sick in the first place.

  10. I See You...........


  11. i LOVE that you put this diaherria question in FAST food!!!


    all food sure is fast to come back out right now.

    i've had diaherria for the last 4 days and it sucks so this was a funny question.

    pepto bismo helped a little. i'm still "liquid"  but at least lesss liquid.

  12. well, that's not ghetto.

  13. Stay away from fast food!  This is God's way of telling you that what you are eating is bad for your health!  Relax!  Anxiety and stress worsen diarrhia --  especially while you are going through it!  If you can't wait for the body to rid itself then eat what is known as The BRAT diet:  bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.  The BRAT diet is a proven all-natural means of stopping diarrhia!  You can check it out online.  Avoid caffeine drinks:  sodas, caffeinated teas, and coffee!  Drink warm water!  Don't drink cold water because it will stimulate your body even more and you don't want that if you have diarrhia --  especially the runs!

    Stay away from fast food and start eating more:  organic whole-grain bread, organic brown rice, organic vegetables, organic fruit, organic red meat, organic poultry, and fresh wild-Atlantic salmon or tuna that you can buy at Whole Foods.  Jesus fed His followers fish and bread.  That tells me that that is what God wants us to eat since that is what He fed our ancestors.

  14. Apple sauce and oatmeal will help also keep you liquids up. learn how to stand next to a nerd and blame the smell on them LOL

  15. Milk. Drink a glass of milk every hour or so for 4-5 hours. Creates a lining in the stomach which helps to break things down and also soothes your cramps.

  16. saltines and sprite seemed to work ok. but drink lots of water or you will dehydrate
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