
How to stop glasses from marking the bridge of my nose?

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I occasionally wear glasses, but they are starting to make red marks on the upper part of my nose, I don't want my nose to be dented like a lot of people who permanently wear glasses, I have tried disposable contacts, but they make my eyes a bit scratchy. is there any way I can keep the glasses from marking my nose

and are disposable contacts much different from the ones that aren't disposable as far as comfort goes.




  1. Hey!!

    If your glasses are making marks on your bridge its just a simple fitting problem, they should not be resting on your bridge thats why they have nose pads as they take all the preasure and are more comfortable so are less likely to mark, your best bet is to next time your passing an opticians, any opticians, pop in and tell them and they will ajust them, it will be free and will literally take 2 minutes.

    As for contact lenses if you dont need your glasses all the time then there is no point i.e if you only need them for reading because lenses are desiged to be worn all da and if you only need glasses for reading you will only be able to see things close up,everything else will be blurry and you will just need to take them in and out all day long. If you mean you only occasionally wear lenses because like me, your lazy when it comes to glasses then yeahthis might be a good idea.

    If they make your eyes scratchy there are plenty of different once you can try, ones with more water in them or that let more oxygen through to let your eyes breath, the difference between monthly and daily ones are simple, one you throw away at the end of the day, these are good if your gona only wear them occasionally because 30 pairs (which is usually what you buy them in) could last you months and months if your not wearing them every day. Monthly lenses last 30days from the day you open them,not 30 wears so if your going to wear them occasionally this would be a waste bcause you may only get 3 wears out of them when there designed to have 30days worth of wear out of them, these need cleaning at night and involve solution,pots etc etc, this is the only difference, as for comfort both have different types of lenses you can try, as i said before either with more water percentage or ones that let more oxygen through!.

    hope this helps,

    take care xx

  2. Try to have them adjusted and also check to see if they are silicone nose pads. These pads are a more slip resistant nose pad, but some people react to the silicone and can get a red irritation from them.  If this is the case try standard plastic pads. The optician should know. Now that was under the assumption that you have metal frames. With plastic, the bridge is not adjustable, so if it was a poor fit on the bridge when picked out then unfortunatley it will aways be trouble.

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