
How to stop hunting???

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We have this 10 month old kitten who is a purebred Himilayan Persian. We live on acerage and we let the 2 cats out to roam for the day and sometimes night. This cat LOVES to be outside and he is barely inside. This is OK but the main problem is that he sometimes brings rats/mice/birds home... It has become more often. Is there anything I can do to stop him hunting? I know its natural and we can't keep him inside because he just meows REALLY loud at us! Help!!!!




  1. you need to stop the decimation of wildlife. yes cats can be very effective when it comes to rodent control but they can and do get many diseases from the rodents that they catch. Try building a cat run outside if you are going to let them out. make sure it is fenced completely around and have a good cover or more fencing on top. many cats become prey to other predators when they are just left outside to roam. coyotes and birds of prey have an appetite for cats.

    The safest and most healthy place for your cat is indoors (since cats have been a domesticated pet for thousands of years) but if you are going to let them outside then please consider a covered cat run. it would be safer and healthier for all animals involved.  

  2. You need to keep him indoors.Cats who are allowed to roam freely kill millions of songbirds every year.This is not "natural" as the cats are domesticated and are here because of us.So if you want your cat to be outdoors but not kill things,build it an enclosure with logs to climb on and shelves to lay on.The cats and birds will all be safer.

  3. Theres nothing you can do about the hunting Thats just their instinct But you should take that as a compliment Because when a cat brings you a mouse, bird etc That means they love you and want to give you a gift As sick and wrong as you may think it may be Thats their way of giving you a present Its really sweet that he started giving you more and more as time passes Because that shows how much closer hes getting to you and how much he appreciates you and your family Plus he knows hes a part of the family So hes gonna keep giving you "gifts"

  4. It will take a bit of getting used to on his part - but put a collar with a small bell on him. The noise will alert his prey to his approach and give them a fair chance to get away. It is likely for him to become agitated when you first put it on him - so introduce it slowly, lets say - 10 minutes for day 1, then  half an hour for day 2. ... building up to a week then leave it on him.

    He should bring home less poor little animals after that.

    and I think MS's suggestion of a safety collar is a great one.

  5. you cant really do anything about it coz my nans cat brings dead animals home too i think its their way of giving you a pressant or to show you what he has done and would most likely want a praise for it since he thinks he is doing good ...but honestly there is nothing you can do but to keep him indoors...but as you said he likes being out doors...just bin the dead animals when he returns home.. oh yh and try to put a collar on him with a bell it never really worked with my nans cat as he still actually  brought dead animals homes cats are wiled animals it is in their natual instinct to hunt

  6. Preventing cats from hunting is almost impossible and everytime they capture something, this behaviour is reinforced.  However, there are some things you can do:

    Feed birds in the open where a cat can't creep up on them unnoticed.  Nesting boxes need to be placed in secure locations.  Attach small bells to the cats' collars, warning birds of their whereabouts.  

  7. I personally am a firm believer in keeping a cat inside the house at night - the damage they do to wildlife is horrendous.

    Maybe get him a scratching post if you haven't already - he can work out his frustrations on the post!


    Himilayan's have big, bossy, controlling personalities and tend to take over the home / rule the roost so you do need to show him who's boss.

    I'm not saying you've to neglect your cat, but YOU are the owner, HE is the Pet.

    Maybe some more toys or get a specially made cat lead and take him out for little walks in the backgarden?

    All The Best  :-)

  8. Stop letting him outside.  He will stop the howling if you give him a substitute.  Play with him to wear him out as well. Give him play mice, etc.  I've seen suggestions of putting ping pong balls in the tub. or in a box with holes.  Also lightly crumpled paper balls for him to swat about.  The milk carton pull tab. There are also balls that have holes in them to put treats in so as he plays he is rewarded.  My Siamese has this worm that he just loves he carries it around in front of the other cats and talks all about his worm as he goes by.  He also has a weiner dog as well they are perfect for holding in his mouth.  They are made by the people who make EEKS the mouse.

  9. You can't stop him from hunting. Cats are predators. Predators hunt. Domesticated cats wreak havoc on small wildlife.

    You could try a collar with a bell on it. Make sure it's a safety collar that will break away if it gets snagged on something. Without a collar like this, cats have hung themselves and choked to death. If you're not sure, ask someone at a pet store.
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