
How to stop internet addiction if one is stuck at home, for what ever reason?

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How to stop internet addiction if one is stuck at home, for what ever reason?




  1. Have someoen else set a password on the computer. presto. no more access

  2. The easiest way to got over an addiction s to replace it with something else, obviously something healthy.

    Focusing on health, exercise, diet, knowledge of nutrition is a good one. It will keep the body and mind busy and replace  an unhealthy addiction with something very healthy.

    Learning is a good one, if your in school then focus on your studies, start with subjects you like, look deeper into them, learn about things not on your curriculum, it may even help you find a career option!

    If your not in school then find something that interests you and learn about it!

    it takes a while but you will soon forget about your addiction and start loving its replacement!

    Good luck!

  3. Unplug laptop and put it somewhere hard to get -- give to someone else in your house to have.

    Pull out the internet card and get someone to hide it.

    Just make it so u physically can't access it :)

  4. I think just like any kind of addiction, you need to find some way of controlling it. Find other things to do, schedule a certain amount of time for being on the computer...:)  

  5. Make a list of things you need to do before you turn the computer on.  

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