
How to stop mice from getting in your apartment?

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We live in a apartment building.The mice come in the hallway at night and eat all the trash the kids live in the hallway.there mother house is kinda trashy and part of the reason the mice be in the hallway.

The mice run in people's apartments at night.Is there anything we can put under the door to stop the mice from trying to come in




  1. Steel wool is very usefull. They will not chew through it.  

  2. Block holes and crevaces with steel wool.

    Keep doors closed.

    Set sticky traps and rat poison where rats can hide.

    Don't leave food or dirty dishes out overnight.

  3. You can get your self a


    Rat terrier

    mouse trap

    and rat poison.

  4. Threshold and/or door bottom

    available at your local hardware store.

  5. Get a cat!

  6. something you can do is put steel wool in the places where the mice come in. if they come in through the door though, that might be a problem because you would have to shove it in there at night while the door's closed. you can also get these things that make this noise that humans can't hear but drive mice crazy and make them leave. you can kinda hear them if you listen close and are really near to them but they keep the mice away. my aunt had a HUGE mouse problem, and she stuffed all the holes in her house with steel wool and got those things (sorry, i don't know what they're called, but you can get them at hardware stores) and now she hasn't had any mice! so if you get those, then you should be good.

    hope i helped!

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