
How to stop my 16mth old son from screaming all the time???

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He like scream out loud when he dislike something. He even screaming when I take him outside. Pls Help!!!!




  1. Don't scream back at him, don't laugh at him, it'll only make him do it more.  My 18 month old daughter is in the screaming phase too.  She thinks it's cute b/c her older brothers will either laugh at her or scream with her.  I can't win.  Anyways - he will grow out of it.  Like I said, just don't encourage him to do it.

  2. My daughter liked to be really loud and screachy at that age too. They like to experiment with their voice and enjoy the reaction it gets. But, like all things, there is a pount when enough is enough. If he is screaming when he doesn't get his way, it could be that he has gotten his way all too often (I know my daughter has us wrapped around her finger). A good plan is to punish him mildly when he screams. Such as putting him in a corner or taking away his toys. I find that when I take my daughter away from whatever is causing her to be upset, and kind of take her mind off of it, it helps to calm her down. Try reading a book to him, watching an educational preschool show, or something quiet (if you can). I noticed that if I give a big reaction when my daughter screams, she will scream again just to see my reaction. Try to appear uncaring about the noise, but resolute in your rules of no screaming so loud. At least, like all things toddler, it's just a phase!

  3. 1st try to find out why he is screaming. Then you give him a big hiding, if that doest work you should put him in a room and close the door untill he stops screaming.

  4. Why did you teach him to talk ?   just ignore them he will stop when he relies that he  wont  get his way

  5. 16month old needs to here your voice more it seems like he believes your going to leave the nest with out him he needs to here a calm voice try talking even though he does not understand what you are saying and see if he stops yelling just for a second is proof.....

  6. My son has been screaming in loud shrieks sometimes for months.  At first it was he discovered his voice and was using all the ranges.  Now he does it to get a reaction from me.  Or he'll do it when someone tells him 'shhh' like his sisters when they want him to be quiet.  He purposely defies it because it is exciting with everyone telling him to be quiet.  He especially likes to do it during dinner when we are all conversing and he wants to put in his 2 cents.

    The answer of course is that they will outgrow it especially once he gets words to express himself.  But in the meantime, when my son screams to be heard, I tell him 'no scream' and even sometimes put a finger on his mouth.  If he is in his high chair and continues to scream, I turn it around away from everyone.  If we are doing something else, as hard as it is, I ignore it.  He wants the reaction so ignoring it or isolating him will teach him he gets no results.

  7. easy answer  you cant he will grow out of it my son Oscar dose it all the time happy or sad  existed or angrier he loves his voice

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