
How to stop my dog from barking when nervous?

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I have a 5 month old german shepherd cross lab. I have only had her about a month and before she came to me she had never left her mum and was not at all socialised. She is also hand shy so has obviously been beaten before. She is quite nervous of people and dogs but gets on extremely well with my 5 month old rotty and my 15 year old spaniel. When at home she is very affectionate and loves cuddles and has to be very close to us all the time. She is a real poppet!!!!

When she does come across people or dogs when im out in the woods walking her, her back goes up and she barks a lot. My neighbough is very scared of her because she does put her back up and will bark at her. I think she is more of a flight dog rather than a fight dog.

Basicly i know i will probably never get her to be 100% friendly but i would like it if she would try to accept that no one will hurt her.

Can anyone just give me some tips on how to stop her barking at people when out on a walk.

Thank you!!




  1. Check out the websites and videos from Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer).

  2. Obedience school.

  3. hi,

    Just as human language is multifaceted and multipurpose, barking allows a dog to communicate many different messages in a variety of situations. It can signal a request to an owner ("Hey, I want to go outside!"), impart a warning ("You're in my territory!"), or simply serve to amuse when a dog hope has little else to do.

    here's a treatment:

    hope this helps.

  4. This sounds just like my australian shepherd. Your shepherd is a guardian breed and their instinct to protect their owners or warn them of what they persieve to be danger can be strong.Training and socializing will go a long way. Try taking him to places where there are more people, I find the barking is far worse when you are hiking and it is just the random person walking by, its harder to single out something to bark at when there are more people around. Plus the socialization will go a long way.

    Obediance classes or training him yourself can go a long way, it teaches him to listen to you so that when you are out and he trys to bark at people you can give him a firm quiet! command. A martingale collar can also be of help when he goes to bark just give one quick tug and a firm Quiet! I have had good sucess with this.

    With socialization and growing up he should become more confident and bark less. If the problem persists contact an animal behaviourist, they are familiar with how to deal with bahavioural problems where as training classes are more for teaching your dog basic commands.

    Good luck and don't give up in two months my dog has gotten over the majority of his fear barking at people and we have moved on to dealing with his behaviour around other dogs

  5. There is a little spot on a dog that will get thier attention no matter what...Right behind and below the rib cage, in the soft spot...

    When she barks and you don't want her to, poke her there or just tap her there with your foot, NO BARK...This will get her attention...It's a dog thing...You're pack leader and you need to let her know what is and isn't acceptable...She WILL pay attention to you..Tap, NO BARK.

    She calms down ? Gooood girl.. :-)

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