
How to stop my dog from bothering friends when they come to the door?

by Guest33720  |  earlier

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I have a huge English Mastiff who is 3 years old. She is well mannered once people are settled in our home but when friends first come to the door she is right in their face (doesn't jump) but has to walk around them 100 times (slight exaggeration) and she's huge. Some people don't like dogs and I know that she needs to be stopped but is it too late? What is the best training technique for this problem? Dog trainers out there? She sits and lays on command as long as there are not major distractions.




  1. Put your dog on a sit/stay about 6 feet back from the door.  Then, let the guests in, but do not allow the dog to come to them.  Instead, have them approach the dog, pet her, and then move into the room.

    What this does is show the dog that she does not have to come to the people to see them, they will come to her.  It also allows the people to come in the house and get comfortable.  Do not allow the dog to get up from the sit/stay until your guests are settled comfortably.

    This may take 2 people in the beginning.  And also ask your guests to back up and not come by the dog if she gets up from her sit.  This will give you time to get her back sitting.  Only allow the guests to pet her if she is sitting.

  2. you could get a cage for your dog and lock him up when you know they are comming

  3. tell them to get over it.

    she doesnt jump, she goes near them! WOW

    they can go to someone else's house.

    sounds ot me like shes perfectly trained and fine.

  4. we have a great dane so i know how over whelming big dogs are to guests and how hard it can be to contain them from wanting to see everyone and check out whos coming in the door. but you need to take control of the situation. your dog thinks that it can do this because you havent set any boundaries on this situation. you need to make the dog sit back a ways from the door before you even open it. do NOT let your guests look at your dog, pay attention to your dog, or pet your dog before that dog is under the control YOU want them to be. our ups man loves our great dane but our dog is WAY to big to be letting run to the door all wild like. so she knows that she needs to sit before the door ever gets open then she can see the ups man and will get a cookie from him. all you need to do is stand between the dog and the door and take ownership of your dogs behavior. find a simple command such as "sit" (since she already knows that command) and then add "stay" and once you are satisfied with your dogs behavior you can comand them to "come" but for the first couple times you need to say it sturnly so she does it cant get worked up about it though because she will feed off of the negative eneregy you give off. you have to trust she will sit and stay for you. and make sure one person is giving her the command. if 3 people are telling her what to do she will not do the action you are wanting her to. after awhile she will understand when the doorbell rings or someone knocks she will sit in that same spot. i know all this sounds cerial but im telling you out of expierence. it is not to late to train her to do this and it does work.  

  5. I think she is just exicted to see who is at door... but u can train her to sit and stay in hallway then u can go and open door, make sure she sit and stays till u say ok come, once she successed that, give her reward treat!

  6. you need to teach her "stay"

    you start her at a "sit" then tell her wait, take open the door and take one step and then release her from it and give her a treat

    continue doing that and making her stay longer and longer - but remember to release her and give her a treat and praise

  7. This is a training issue. Find a good local trainer and take a class. Her age is not a problem, she'll learn just fine as long as you work with her. Make sure to use a special treat, and use your "happy voice" (positive energy) when doing the training  

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