
How to stop my ribs???????

by  |  earlier

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hurting without painkillers as i hate taking tablets and i don't like the dissolvable ones.

i hurt my ribs 2days ago at work (it was my fault) at first i thought they were fine but as time has gone by they got worse and now they are hurting bad and i don't know how to stop it. also I'm not going to hospital because even though they hurt bad it don't feel bad enough for hospital as it is not stopping me from doing most of my everyday stuff




  1. It is “just” an internal bruising, but could also be broken ribs. Why not take Paracetamol and see after a couple of days whether it got any better. The best place to repair your car is a car dealer; the best place to repair your body is.................??

    So do go there if the pain doesn’t recede in three days. Even tigers can have broken ribs.

  2. Cracked ribs

    The hospital will just ex ray you and give you a Velcro brace to put around your chest that you can buy at any drug store.

    It helps a little with the pain, and will gradually get better. The pain wont completely go away for a few months, but if you dont strain it again, the pain will be minor after a few weeks.

  3. what did u do to your ribs

  4. You should at least go to a doctor's clinic/office to get it checked out because it might be injured.

  5. Well for starters sweetheart reguardless if it was your fault or not this happend on the clock while you were at work at their establishment so there for this is an offical Worker's Compenstation Claim.  You must notify your employer right now so they can be paid for by them.  Now the question now lies is if you waited to late for file a claim they look for reasons not to pay for things and by you waiting you may not  even have a case....did anyone see this? if so then these are your if they do decide to take your claim then you have no worries at all cause all medical all pain meds all pain and suffering is paid for by them. but am a little worried that you may have waited to late...TAKE CARE OF THIS ASAP

  6. You could try an anti inflammatory rub in gel or cream which might take some of the inflammation away. There are also heat and cold sprays you can buy which won't take the pain away completely but it might ease it a bit.

    It might be worth, as much as you hate taking painkillers, taking some anti inflammatory tablets for a day or so to take the inflammation away and seeing how your ribs are in a day or so.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Keep yourself warm. Get yourself some medicine that similiar to tiger palm. Get someone you trust to rub your ribs for you. The medicine and the rubbing will do you good.

    It`s pain but be patience.

  8. Take care dear, better consult a doctor and go for a detailed diagnosis. keep smiling  

  9. I have nothing but sympathy for you as I have had the same problem, trying to find a position to sleep in was virtually impossible. I was given Feldene gel by my GP which you rub in to the affected area and it actually worked. One thing to note is a condition like this gets worse with the medication before it gets better. Best of luck.

  10. You file a worker's comp claim...even if it WAS your fault.

    You need to see a doctor.  ribs don't hurt if nothing's wrong.

  11. You must either suffer the pain, go to hospital or take the painkillers.

  12.   all you have done is bruised them, they will hurt, that is what happens,   yu will have bruising  iside for abou a week after,

    just be more careful, take a paracetamol, that will help,

    but they will get better on there  own.

    we have all done this ,

       just takes  time , like everything else i'm affraid.

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