
How to stop myself from crying when i say goodbye to my mum?

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im going on holiday tomorrow [with my dad, they split up] and i know im going to cry because my eyes are teary writing this. i dont wanna cry infront of my brother, sister, dad and his wife because im going to feel proper stupid lol :( im 14 and im close to my mum

and if your going to say 'just let it out' i cant because thats going to upset my more even more.




  1. Just think to yourself what a great time you're going to have and how you can ring her whenever and how you can tell her all about it.

    Perhaps keep a diary of your holiday and give it to her on return?



  2. hiya, suck on a sweet you don't like,some think bitter.that will do the trick,mind you  you will be pulling funny faces,because of the bitterness, that will make your mum and brother/sisters that way you won't cry. get  it.x*x have a nice Holiday.

  3. Get your mum on her own tonight and tell her how upset you're gonna feel tomorrow and how you don't want to let it show.  Say your good-byes while you 2 are alone and ask her if she would mind not coming to the airport.  I'm sure she won't mind and then you can enjoy the holiday with your dad and you'll see your mum again before you know it.  Have a nice time by the way!!

  4. you know i am always imagining if my parents split up and i think it will be fun,,(i am 12 so mind me) i mean they will let u do anything u like cuz they just want u to be happy,,if u want ur parents back,,just throw a tantrum,,(i know teens dont do that cuz they are boooring) but just try it,,say that how could u two split up? how could u be so careless and leave us kids without two loving parents? how do u think we will cope when we grow up with parents like u? and tell ur mom and dad what good things they did to each other and they will be back,,trust me

  5. Think of happy things that you share with all your family, and don't feel that emotion is stupid it shows that you care.

  6. This will sound strange but when you say goodbye, keep it short and sweet, but at the same time think about something completely random.  If i try to stop myself crying i look at something in the room, and focus on it till its all over... it really works!

  7. I really feel for you, be strong.

  8. Just think, your mum wants to see you going away happy, ready to enjoy your holiday, it will upset her to see you cry, and she will spend the whole time worrying about you. Try to see it from her point of view, mums love to see their children happy, not sad, so let her last picture in her mind of you going away be a really happy one, then if you want to have a tear in the car half a mile away thats fine. Its ok to do that.

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