
How to stop oily face?

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I read that I should wash my face 2-3x a day ONLY,because if I wash more times than that, my face will just get oilier…I don’t know if this is true, is it?

Here’s my problem…I have an oily face…I wash my face when I wake up, then first recess time(school), lunchtime, 2nd recess time,, when taking a bath, and before going to sleep. That’s at least 6x daily…it really bothers me if I have an oily face, so I wash it whenever do I stop this oily face? I have pimples btw, but don’t mind it..




  1. Buy some Stridex Face Wipes To Go.  These should be available at a drugstore or a large retail store.  You can also find them online at -->

    These are portable and easier to use than washing your face constantly.  This product contains salicylic acid, which will also treat your pimples, in addition to helping control oiliness.  Over-washing your face *won't* cause your face to become more oily.  This is a myth.  It can aggravate your face and make your acne worse, though, by over-irritating the skin.  Skin oiliness is almost entirely determined by hormonal factors (governed by genetics), along with the number and size of sebaceous glands in your skin.  

    There are also some oil-controlling / oil-absorbing products you can try, just look in the drugstore.  Almost anything with benzoyl peroxide will also help to control oiliness while simultaneously treating your acne.  

  2. you can find some wipes that get the grease and oil off your face at the grocery store, using those like 3 times during the school day should help out in addition to you washing your face.

  3. Your face will only get oilier because when you wash it, you wash away all of the sweat and moisture and therefore, it creates more moisture to make up for the lost moisture, hense you will have an oilier face. You should try a moisturizing soap on your face, nothing with too much scent, just something simple; as long as it's a moisturizing soap. Believe me, I had the most oily face too. It worked a lot.

  4. its help if you wash your face but do you tend to touch your face? if so then dont because the oil from your hands travel on your face which makes it oilier so dont touch it alot

  5. Your face is oily BECAUSE you wash your face WAYYYYYY too much. I wash my face only once a day. If my face gets oily, I wipe it off with a damp towel, that's it. Think about it, soap cleanses the oil off, thus drying out the skin. The oil glands then get back into action to remoisten the face. So stop telling your oil glands to get back to work. Also, my face has always been oily and really pimply and the only soap that works for me is proactive. It's expensive but worth every penny. I mix a little of the soap and toner in my hand, rub it on my face, leave it while I shower, then rinse it before I get out. Then I put a DOT, no more than that, of the two lotions in my hand and rub that on my face and leave that on. The soap and lotions have a tiny amount of peroxide so all day it's working and keeping the face clean but you only have to wash your face once. Notice, I didn't rub the toner on my face and leave it as it is supposed to be used. For some reason, if I don't rinse off the toner, it makes me break out and makes my face itch. So maybe you might wanna try proactive for yourself. Remember, it'll take a week or two to see changes, your skin has to take time to adjust. So even if you just wash once a day, it'll take a while for the oil glands to slow down production.  

  6. you can use an oil control sheets you can by that at grocery stores..its has two kinds(i think) one is only a sheet and the other has powder..^_~
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