
How to stop s*x slave human trafficking?

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How to stop s*x slave human trafficking?




  1. the only sure fire way is to bring economic security, and freedom to the people in those poor country's

    nothing else will work

  2. Not much we can do about trafficking within other nations, except stop being a clientele for it.

    The smuggling of people across national borders, particularly at sea can be enforced and there are laws that prohibit the slave trade since 1808.  Seizing the vessels and jailing the crew might help.

  3. 1) Have a law put in place! Through out the world! That any female that gets raped or kidnaped they'll have automatic authority to kill her rapist or kidnapper in any way she can!

    Ok seriously!!!

    We need laws past, that it will be an automatic death penalty to rapists and kidnappers, No if's or but's about it! All crime laws are not powerful enough to stop the crimes dead in there tracks! Court systems have to quit playing the money making game and take crimes very seriously! The lesser pleads have to stop being offered inour court systems!

    Those people out there making very young girls be slaves to prostitution should be hung when caught, no questions ask! No wasting time with them in court systems at tax payers expense anymore! Jails and prisons are full enough with lifers! It's time for real harsh laws to be put in place to detour such in human actions to young and older women and children!

    Once they see what will happen to them for committing such horrible crimes, they'll think twice before doing it! It should be automatic death in crimes of rape,kidnapping,bank robbing,killings,molestation,and severe child abuse!

    Most would say that would be to harsh! but would they if it was there family member or members were the victims??? I think not! If the big shots that make the laws can't stand up to the plate and do there jobs that they were hired to do! Then maybe it's time to give us all our rights back they took away from us when they started making all the ton's of laws that seem to not work! so we all can have our rights back to protect our families from all the crime that is happening in todays messed up world! I would like to see laws like!

    1) If you catch a guy raping your sister! You shoot him dead!

    2) If a mother see's a man or husband molesting her daughter! She's to shoot him dead!

    3) If anyone knows of a s*x slave going on in there neighborhood, If they turn them in, they receive a $100,000 reward for doing so!

    If many laws we have today had nice rewards for showing where the criminal is, many crimes would stop a lot faster!

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