
How to stop sons fighting?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 4yo and 3yo..every day is like a full on war...they bite, kick, swear, punch, throw stuff, yell, and call each other names...the swearing comes from their father (pointless to talk to him about)somebody always ends up hurt (bruises,cuts,broken bones) but my husband says its just a boy thing...ive tried to break up the fights (not a smart idea), separate them, and talked to my husband about it (he does the punishing) but nothing my 13mo got in the way she now has a black eye (and neither of the boys knows how it happened) can i stop the fighting before someone gets more seriously injured




  1. A good hard spanking on the it over their underware, and make it count. They need to cry.

  2. good old fashion spanking. if that doesn't work make them work doing chores. not hard since they are young but putting toys away or making beds

  3. Are  you kidding?  Is everyone kidding in their answers?  These boys are BABIES and they are breaking each other's bones?  Black eye for a 13 month old?  You are being negligent if your baby is getting this injured.    

    You need help.  You need serious discipline methods that work and a parenting backbone.  You cannot rely on your husband to do the 'punishing'.  You need discipline and far more than anyone can give you on YA.  Call your pediatrician - explain the problem and ask for help.

    This can only get worse and yes, someone will get very seriously hurt and if it is a friend or neighbor, you are wide open to a lawsuit.  

  4. punishment that makes them cry...

    like no candy or something that makes them say i hate you. LOL

  5. Well first of all you are also a parent and it sounds like they dont view you as an authoritive parent. You cant just leave the punishing up to your husband when he isnt around at the time of the fighting. If your puppy pees in the floor you cant say hey dog when my husband gets home in 20 minutes you are gonna get a spanking for that!! Do you think he would learn that way? When they are fighting spank them both immediatly, send them to seperate rooms with nothing fun to do for 10 minutes. Set a timer. When the timer goes off get them both, bring them in the livingroom set them on the couch. tell them you are not going to put up with this kind of behavior anymore. Tell them when they behave badly they will be punished. ask them if they liked the consequences. Be Consistant! I cant stress that enough, even if you are out in public spank them both and dont buy them any toys or let them do something fun that a well behaved child would get to do. Hope I helped

  6. take their favorite toys away and have them in their own rooms.  

  7. Little boys will always fight, just be glad they aren't playing with dolls.

  8. It isn't "just a boy thing". And it doesn't seem like just a fighting issue but a more general problem of self-discipline.

    There could be books written about how to instill self-discipline - in fact books have been written, you should probably read one. This box is too small to tell you how to instill discipline but it can be done without yelling, without spanking, and without you going crazy. Best of all, kids at that age really want boundaries and limits on what is allowed.

    That it has gotten to the point where it is hurting the baby means that you need to get things under control quickly.


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