
How to stop stalking?

by  |  earlier

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My ex continues to stalk me. I have a restraining order. He shows up in places that I am at, and it's not a coincidence because he stares me down and makes obsence gestures. I always leave when I see him. He calls from a pre paid phone at all hours of the night, I have recorded him. I have called the police but they haven't arrested him. Are they just waiting for him to assault me again? The last officer said he needs to make a threat but my restraining order says he's not to be within 300 yards of me and no contact. I went to the commander of the police station and he keeps telling to report every incident. It gets tiring to report what he does and they don't do anything.




  1. Report AND document every complaint you made, in a notebook and keep a copy with a friend or something so there's a backup. Go ahead and write down if the police responded or not.

    Call the police if your ex violates the restraining order (i.e. shows up at place or work or so on). It may take them a while but they'll get there. Take picture (of him running away) if you can. Additional evidence would be enough to put him in jail for a few days for contempt of court at least. Maybe enough time for you to go somewhere else and start a new life.

    Truth is, this can only stop if your ex is willing to stop. And he's not... "all up there" to put it bluntly as he chose to stalk. Thus, it's pointless to approach this as if he is completely rational.

    He will only stop when 1) he runs out of money to support himself (hard if he's living at someone else's place, like mom's) or 2) he goes to jail or 3) well, can't say it. You know, the 3-letter word. or 4) he can't find you (i.e. you leave town).

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