
How to stop those awkward moments? (10 points)

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so tomorrow im going to the movies with a guy i like, and a bunch of friends. what are some good topics or what should i do when things get awkward, (cuz i hate when things get awkward) any ideasss?




  1. its a movie so you're not really gonna be talking that much but before and after the movie if things get "awkward" which i dunno what you mean by that,just talk about what you did that day or I'm sure your friends will have something to talk about if there is alot of you  =) just dont be scared or worried or anything just have fun it sounds fun! Good Luck Hun!!

  2. firstly chose a row that they are not sitting in or chose steats that are alittle bit away from them

  3. Ask the guy if he wants to have s*x.  :l   Oh, and tell him I said "ur welcome". lol

  4. It won't get awkward! You will maintain your sense of confidence, and if any dull moment were to come, you would fill up the space. :)

  5. It's a good thing that you're going with a bunch of friends because it will most likely minimize those awkward moments.  I'm guessing that since you like this guy, you get nervous around him which leads to awkwardness? Anyways, try to keep the talk going by including everyone in on your conversation by telling a funny story or by generally talking to everyone so that by talking to your whole group of friends, you'll feel more confident and more comfortable around this guy, rather than just filling in with talk with stupid questions and conversation.  Maybe then you two will warm up and will eventually begin to become more comfortable with each other.

  6. just be your self, if things get awkward then do something silly or maybe those awkward moments just might lead to a kiss...I'm sure you do fine.

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