
How to stop wildlife hunting???

by Guest66931  |  earlier

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How to stop wildlife hunting???




  1. I am all about controlling hunting on endangered species, but am all for controlled hunting where it is in the best interest of the animal and human population. Case in point: One of my  friends works full time removing nuisance coyotes from heavily populated suburbs and cities. Five years ago no one had heard of attacks or close encounters with these animals, now they are so over populated that these encounters are a reality. He has removed these animals from downtown Chicago. They are hungry and being the opportunist they are, they will eat anything, including city trash, dogs, cats, rats anything they can find. Sometimes you just have to eliminate some of these animals.

  2. Wildlife hunting is band, govt. has made various laws and acts to save wild animals.

    Govt. have taken many steps to safe wild animals like made wildlife sentries, bird sanitaries, national parks, zoos, etc.

  3. First of all you need to have the NRA disbanded. Convince the Govt. to take the freedom of speech and the right to own firearms away from these people. Yes that's right you need to disregard two very important sections of the bill of rights.  

      Then you need to convince the majority of representatives in both houses of Govt. to pass legislation to ban hunting.

      This will be an overwhelming if not impossible task and I'll be one of the people on the side of the NRA and the hunters.

  4. I am glad to see there are so many of you out there who understand the need for hunting. I love animals but know what happens when over population happens.

  5. Join a gang bang in the big city`s for hunting, become a cop for hunting the bad guys, join military for hunting terror. border patrol  hunting law breakers, go to the mall hunting for sales. Hunting for the opposite s*x. Hunting for drug dealer. Hunting for wildlife to a take a picture. I LOVE HUNTING

  6. why would you want to? It will never happen. I love to hunt. No one has the right to stop me from this no more than I have the right to take away bowling,skiing, and other things people injoy doing that I disagree is fun. Anyone that would try to stop hunting is selfish and are harmfull to man kind and human rights.

  7. I don't like to hunt either, but most all the predators have been removed from where I live.   The deer can be seen any time of the day eating peoples bushes and dead along the road from people who can't stop in time to avoid them.   Even if all the people were removed from the area, there shouldn't be so many deer there; wolves, coyotes, bear or whatever should be keeping the population in check, but aren't around anymore to do that.   They tried to stop hunting for awhile and had massive die offs when the animals ran out of food.

  8. We can do that by being an aware and educated citizen. Govt. and NGO'S has taken a wide step to prevent them. Recently many wildlife sacturties reported dieing of animal because of "global warming" and it is more shocking because we are the only ones who r killing them and asking "why it is happening"

    So do contribute youe support to your environment by planting 1 plant/sapling in yourt near by area.Hope the you r convinced with my answer.

  9. To say, "How do we stop wildlife hunting" is like asking why can't we stop breathing and still live. Since there have been civilization, there has been hunting.

    Without hunting deer for say; they would eat all the crops, house plants, run thoughout towns, cause even more motor vehicle accidents/deaths.

    Without hunting moose; there would be less trees that produce oxygen for you to breath; they would eat all the crops, house plants, run thoughout towns, cause even more motor vehicle accidents/deaths, and tromple people. Unknow fact; more people die from Moose then from bear.

    Without hunting bear; there would be a great deal of deaths, and property destruction if they did not stay at bay. Moose, deer, and bear are not easily kept at bay with a mere 4' fence. The eco-system involves us too but that seems to be forgotten because we don't consider ourselves animals.

    Plus, there are those who rely on the meat that wild game brings to their tables. It's the best form of meat you can eat since it's not loaded with steroids & chemicals.

    If you want to stop something, stop the killing of wild animals for sport.. Those who kill just for sport give true hunters a bad name. It's the one's who run big game hunts that you should try banning. They feed wild game to be shot within a largely encaged area. It takes a true hunter to track an animal. It takes a beer and a food plot of soybeans to kill sporting style.

  10. Don't use animal products like shawls, ash tray, paint brushes, leather products etc.

    Buy them only when you are absolutely sure that these have not been obtained from animals.

    Visit these -

    Get involved in their campaigns and use their services like sending email greetings which will help them in an indirect manner.

    If possible donate some money as well.

    Inform the police about any illegal activity animals.

    Spread the message among all you know through the above mentioned sites.

  11. Are you sure that you want to? If you remove the predators, as we have done over much of the US, there is no good check on the populations of the prey species other than hunting. This leads to situations like the deep population exploding on the Kaibab Plateau (Google it; it's classic.) and the horrible situation (at least in the NE) of the giant Canada geese, AKA flying manure factories. They add a different sort of hazard to golf courses and overfertilize ponds.

  12. I don't think wildlife hunting is a bad thing. Here in Utah we have a gross overpopulation of deer and they migrate down into the cities and get run over by cars.Hunting is the only way to control them. There are laws about how many you are allowed to hunt in a season and you are NOT allowed to hunt endagered species. Plus, hunters are often the best conservationalists because they know that if they didnt conserve the species, they would have nothing to hunt.

  13. we have killed off the predators that normally kill and control the deer population.  How else do you propose to keep deer population from getting out of control.  By the way did you know that goose hunting is legal again?  Their populations are far to big.

  14. U cant because we need to eat and wen we kll we eat so no way of stopping that its the way of life.

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