
How to stop worrying about useless things and to start living with happiness?

by Guest66982  |  earlier

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How to stop worrying about useless things and to start living with happiness?




  1. What you need to do is to stop worrying because you cannot solve problems when you worry.  You have to think how to find solution to your problems.  Remember, no one is problem free.  From the day you were born, problem started for your very parents.  So, all you need to do is to take courage in yourself and be focus.  Don't take heed to distraction.  Always remind yourself that you can make it cuz others went through worse situation and made it.  Take your problems as they are and live like it doesn't even exist.  Have faith that God can deliver you out of your problem.  Sometimes you think about what people will think when you do certain things.  Its better to do what you have to do and if you feel you blunder you will be able to make up.  Its better to make a mistake to find a solution.  Don't look at things that you know are useless and not worth studying.  

    Thinking and worrying are two different things.  Worry breaks down your body and leave you with some hypotential disease, craziness, nervous breakdown, etc.  It wares your body away.

  2. Decide to.

  3. Nothing to worry about.

    Here's something I saw in MAD magazine once. I hope it cheers you up. Here it is:

    There are two thing to worry about:

    Either you are well or you are sick.

    If you are well there is nothing to worry about.

    If you are sick there are two things to worry about.

    Either you will get well or you will die.

    If you get well there is nothing to worry about.

    If you die theres only two things to worry about.

    Either you will go to heaven or to h**l.

    If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about.

    But if you go to h**l you will be so darn busy shaking hands with your friends you wont have time to worry.

  4. you'll just have to try to focus on the good things in life. don't look or think about the bad things, become optomistic! even if you aren't really rich, you can be happy. happiness doesn't come from money. its like a whole new way of living life. try to spread happiness to everyone! weather it be from a nice word, to a simple smile. life's too short to waste.

  5. Surrender these things (and yourself) to God; let Him deal with the problems. He is wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and will give you peace that exceeds man's understanding when you lean on Him. As you draw closer to God in relationship (NOT religion) by accepting Jesus Christ, He will give you understanding you need to live a prosperous, joyous, and influential life.


  6. Focus on people who need you

  7. im going through the same thing! im always so wrapped up in worries about school and work that i tend to not focus on whats happening in front of me!

        My best advice for you(and me) is that you only got one life to live! So make it count. Stress about school and work can be left there. Friends and family are what you should be around! so when you start worrying just take a deep breath and count to 10, or just talk to someone about it!

      Just dont let it controll your life

  8. Hi there, I have a website that deals with happiness, got some tips and stuff on how to get it and keep it.

    Just go to the happiness tab.  Theres lots of good links to, should be able to find some useful stuff.

    Best of luck

  9. Helping others that are less fortunate always gives us purpose in life and less time to spend thinking of things.

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