
How to stop worrying global warming?

by Guest66701  |  earlier

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Does scientist even agree with global warming? I can't stop worrying about. What am I suppose to do now?




  1. i could refer you to this site about global warming and other environmental issues:

  2. I wonder why EVANS graph stops before all those warmer years where sunspot activity was low. I guess he doesn't want you to see the truth. I will post information from an actual science website. The National Academy of Sciences. Try to let them find a more respected organization in the world.

    Also, more science from the American Institute of Physics...

    Watch the deniers try to deny this science.

    AJ - thanks for all the data. Sorry, can't just take your word for it. That's why I posted data from SCIENTIFIC organizations.

  3. Don't ignore it or stop worrying! But you might need to cool down. Blame Bush, you can recycle and do what you can. Google it up

  4. Well you should help the Earth because if you are that worried do something about it turn off the lights when u dont need them use less power ect..

  5. Don't worry about it, do something about it.  As long as you are taking the steps you can you have no reason to worry (and even less reason to worry when others follow your lead).

  6. Don't stop worrying about it!

    Get your mind off the worry part though by doing something constructive.

    Research it all you can.

    Then, regulate your lifestyle so you're leavening as small a carbon footprint as you possibly can!

    Educate those around you!

    If everyone starts this and NOW we just might have something left to leave to future generations.

    Good Luck!

  7. You don't have to worry cuz it's all a lie. Neither you nor your children nor your great-great-great-great-grandchildren will come to any harm because climate change. You should worry more about the fear-mongering and how it will effect your freedom.

  8. There is a consensus that the globe has warmed over the last century. However, there is no consensus on the cause. There is a majority among scientist who study the past climatic patterns who say, humans are not responsible for global warming, it is a natural cycle that is following the little ice age.

    Then there is a consensus among scientist who study these computer models that predict catastrophic changes in the future. They say there is human caused warming. The thing you need to understand, is these models are not science. They are variables that are; selected, limited, assumed, and they are driving these predictions. Much of which can be manipulated and construed to give you whatever type of result is desired.  They basically assume that temperatures are going to continue increasing at the rate they have been and this is simply ignorant.

    There is a consensus among the media. They push it like a bunch of hustlers who are trying to peddle this drug of fear. But you have to understand their motives for it. The big hustler, NBC, they have been pushing this since the beginning. They however, owned by GE, who has an interest in the global warming agenda because they have diversified themselves into making parts for windmills. Other liberal outlets simply have the agenda of getting their liberal congressional counterparts elected.

    Don't worry about man-made global warming, it doesn't exist and this is what they want you to do. They want you to worry, they want you to be scared, because if you are, you are more willing to give up some of your freedoms, more your money, and your liberties. You will be giving them up to the government, or more specifically, to those who run and control the government and you should never relinquish your freedoms and liberties regardless of the false promises of a better world if you do.

    The earth goes through climatic cycles, the temperatures rise and the temperatures fall. This is what has been happening for billions of years and will continue to happen for billions of more years. The thing you need to understand is; we can't change that, we can't solve climate change, and we shouldn't even try, the expedentures would be tremendous and the resources would be wasted in the futile attempt to control nature.

    Instead, we should devote resources to understanding how climate changes and what implications that has on land, on water, on ice, on the atmosphere, and on humans. Rather than putting billions of dollars toward trying to limit how much oil we use or how much electricity from coal we use. Why not let our economy grow, and take the billions of dollars we would have spent trying to impair our economy, and the billions of extra dollars the government gets in taxes from the increasing economy, and invest that in research and development to help us expand our way of life and adapt to future conditions, not eliminate our way of life and impair our ability to finance projects to meet future conditions if we need to. Seems logical to me, I guess you left wingers out there and congress don't think logically though, only how you are told to think.

    The best way to cure your worries, do some research. Try to find out what the arguments are for both sides. Try and educate yourself and determine which makes more sense to you. Just always be aware of the publication of the research, know what side of the spectrum (left or right) they are coming from. I know the alarmists don't want you to do your own research, but do it. Be skeptical of anyone who says that they know for a fact that humans are causing a climate crisis, because there is no evidence or facts that say we are and they are hoping that you don't educate yourself. Always be aware because right wing publications have a right wing bias and left wing publications have a left wing bias. It is important to be able to recognize the bias and take that into account.

  9. Study history. You'll discover there's nothing to fear and nothing to be done but enjoy a long life.

    Edit: Well, you better start making up for lost time! Check out what the Sun's been doing over the last 150 years....the time frame man's been blamed for causing global warming:

    The Sun's been setting records of its own. Do you think CO2 levels here on Earth affect the Sun, too??

  10. I'm not worried about it.  The Earth and sun do what they do.  

    Worry about real problems and real pollution, not some made-up garbage about the weather which by the way is absolutely normal, especially for this time of year.  

    There's too much plastic in our oceans and too much junk in our food and air.  That's the real issue, not Uncle Al and his taxation method of making us all live in a pre-industrial society.

  11. how to stop this worry? starting to care and rebuild...

    GLOBAL WARMING is FACT not fiction... and he humans are to blame for... so we should make the first move...


  12. Global Warming is not real. Go to Wiki and look up the records for high and low temps. You will find that 39 out of the 50 states record their HIGHEST temps before or during the 1950's. The USA's highest temps occured before there were millions of cars everywhere and before there were huge factories all around.

    Also. The scientist that founded "Global Warming" along side Al Gore has since removed his name from the project because they had flawed research. But Al Gore won so many things for his "discovery" that he can never back down or risk looking like a fool.

    We're FINE. The earth is FINE. And there's no such thing as global warming.

    "Al Gore didn't invent the internet but he sure made up global warming."

  13. I think global warming is partly caused by humans, but its also natural for our climate to change naturally every few thousand years so I wouldn't worrry about it too much. Its just a natural transition.

  14. Thanks to Richard for the goods links. Very informative. He is actually the only one to post credible information.

  15. Global Warming is a political  hoax initiated by Al Gore. Kudos to Allen J

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