
How to street fight?

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i wanna learn how to street fight




  1. if u mean by street fighting its also called throwing ones aka known as one on one, and whoever win wins and the loser goes away thats how teenagers solves trouble, if u mean by street fighting u fight like u never fought befroe another term for it is fighting dirty like throwing sand poking their eye low blows and u can't learn here u learn from experence

  2. You don,t learn to street fight either you can or you can,t  some of the best citys in the US to street fight are Pittsburgh Pa.,Philedalphia Pa. CHICAGO Ill. Baltimoore Md. Now most of these people do cary guns but you can get a fight any time any day in these citys

  3. Go on to the streets and fight as many people as you can find plus its called shooting the ones

  4. If you want to fight on the street because you are a thug then you are an idiot but if you want to know how to defend yourself then i understand what you saying.

    Many people you fight on the street are not technically the best fighters but there are exceptions, also people carry tools(knives, knuckledusters,etc). Also the rythem of a street fight is different to competition fighting.  A street fight can be very unpredictable but if you learn a form of self defence/martial art you may have an advantage as you have improved balance, technique, stamina, power,etc but i have also seen black belts lose their bottle in a street fight.

    If you actually get into a situation, you have to realise that you can get hurt which may happen but understand that and accept it as it happens, never underestimate anybody even though you may be scared (everyone is a little) use that and don't let it take over, as the fear gives you the edge but you have to also keep mentally calm and relaxed, this will give you the advantage and you will be able to deal with the fight in a controlled manner as opposed to losing your rag and making silly mistakes.

    If somebody is going to do serious harm to you, the only option you have is to defend yourself, therefore you need to take the guy out quickly.

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