
How to strengthen knee area for track?

by Guest55861  |  earlier

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I am detemined to join the track team this upcoming school year at school. The problem is that my family has a history of knee problems and I myself had experienced some when I was on the track team in elem. school. Now I'm going to 11th grade. I was scared to join b/c I don't want to mess my knees up, but is there anyway I can strengthen my legs and my knees so when I run, the pressure isn't so bad? Thanks, your help is appreciated highly!




  1. honestly there isn't much that can be done for bad knees... you knees are one of the most unstable and unsupported parts of the body and if you mess it up that's it.

    i have bad knees as well but i still run track (i jump) and play volleyball (which also requires a lot of vertical jumping). my knees get worn out easily and i'm not sure if they'll last if i decide to play college...

    you shouldn't stop yourself from doing what you want because of fear...the best thing you can do is pay attention to your body. make sure that your have proper running form and that you don't push your knees farther than they are willing to go

    knees braces and orthopedics can also help as well as taping that can hold the knee steady. but like i said not much can be done

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