
How to strengthen lungs and breathing.?

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I am a runner, but i have a knee injury at the moment. Since it's summer cross country is beginning to practice but i can't. I can't start running for a while yet and I'm afraid that i will become out of shape. I'm going to physical therapy for my knee and they are strengthening the muscles in my body, but obviously nothing is being done for my breathing. I need ways to strengthen that without running, walking, ect. Thank you.




  1. Your lung capacity is not going to change much, especially if you are already in shape. There is no need to strengthen your lungs. Depending on how long your activity is decreased, your lactate threshold may drop somewhat causing some temporary drop in endurance. As you might already know, this is the point when lactic acid builds up in the blood stream faster than the body can remove it during exercise.  You will come back to normal a lot quicker than you might think. The first few days of long distance might seem frustrating, but as long as the knee is not an issue, you will be back (or even improved on) where you were before in no time.

    You can try swimming, cycling, or underwater treadmill if they have one where you do your physical therapy as long as you are told that it is OK to do so.

  2. riding your bike or lift weights i would think

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