
How to success in study?

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How to success in dtudy without study too much?How many A's I need to get to go to oversea?




  1. You can't success in study.

  2. With the exams approaching, adopting an effective study technique becomes one of the most important ways to achieve success. Here is the 10 top effective study tips.

    1 Make study a habit

    Even at the best of times, studying and working can be tough. But, in the run up to exams, the need to study as much as possible can add to the pressure. At the beginning of your studies, discipline yourself and produce a clear schedule of the extra study you need to do for your exams. After a couple of weeks, the extra hours of work will become a habit. Once it becomes a habit, it will feel normal to read or practise for your exams, and if you fail to study for even one day you will feel you are missing something.

    2 Use the resources at hand

    Analyse the exam papers from the past years or so. Use the library resources. The more you analyse the more you benefit.

    3 Working together

    Group learning or studying with a friend can be a good way to reinforce what you know, and find out what you don’t know. studying with others so that you can look at topics from different angles. Working in a small group of three or four allows you to discuss topics and get ideas from one another. In addition, talking about your daily work enables you to share your skills and knowledge, and this could help you apply your experience to the exam questions.

    4 Ask if you don’t understand

    If you attend lectures, it is important to know that you understand all you have been taught. Make sure they have understood everything and not to be afraid to ask tutors and lecturers questions. It is vital to have complete comprehension of the subject, so that your mistakes or misunderstandings are not compounded as the course continues. The best way to check your understanding is to see if you can teach the subject to a friend, and explain every aspect of it effectively and accurately. If you can, then you should be able to convey your knowledge to the examiner too.

    5 Practice, practice, practice

    Practice makes perfect. Although we have heard this said many times, it really works. Her advice is to try to do three or four practice questions after every topic studied. By doing as many revision papers and questions as you can, what you have learned will stay in your head.

    6 PQRST

    Use the PQRST method for your study – P = preview, Q = question, R = revise, S = summary, T = test. First preview the topic to find out what I need to know, then note down any queries or questions. Nearer to the exams, revise the topic and make short notes in summary form. Testing yourself on these helps me to see where you are with the subject and what knowledge gaps you have.

    7 Look after yourself

    It is well documented that your brain works best when you eat healthily and sleep well – and if you don’t get enough sleep, you may lose a lot of cognitive power. Getting your body into the best possible shape can give you the edge when it comes to your studies. Don’t forget to eat, exercise, rest and sleep properly. If you are tired, hungry and sluggish you will not perform at your best.

    8 Plan ahead

    Plan a weekly target, then break this into daily targets. Try to meet your daily targets, and if you can’t, make up for it within the week. Planning can help you decide how many subjects you can take in a particular session. Detailed scheduling may take you some time but, according to the cost–benefit principle, this is time worth spending if you can monitor your progress step-by-step on the way to becoming a successful finalist.

    9 Read the syllabus

    You may think this is a waste of time when you should be reading textbooks but it could save you a lot of effort in the long run. When revising, tick off the subjects in the Syllabus as you go along, to make sure that you have covered everything.

    10 Start early

    Start your studies early. Give yourself at least two weeks to relax after your exams are over, then start studying for the next session. Read every chapter in your textbook, and at the end of each chapter do past questions to familiarise yourself with the exam requirements as they relate to the chapter. By doing this a few nights a week, you will be able to revise as you go through the textbook. Then, about a month or so before the exam, concentrate on practising past questions, referring to the textbook only when you are stuck.

  3. the art of learning is repetition

  4. Study thoroughly and concentrate hard.

  5. I think you need to study your spelling and grammar.

  6. for success in studying all you need to do is think positive.

    i had an experience when i wasn't able to study for this really long test. i just kept on saying to my self that "i will have a high score" over and over again. and later on. i had a really high score. even one of the top!

  7. just stoody...

  8. You keep trying YOU CAN DO IT!


  9. Cool is right...and u defintely need to get straight As to study well as ur english..

  10. Make a time table, which subject you are going to study at what time, and strictly go by that. Don't think about doing many subjects at the same time. Whatever you are studying give it complete aattention. It's better to give 100% attention to half book rather than keep on selecting which subject to do . If you know 5 chapters thoroughly, that would be your strength. And studies is such thing, once you understand something you feel like studying more. That's what happen with me. And I also keep telling myself that rest of the class has finished this chapter and I am left, this way because of jealousy, I also study. My another way of studying is to  make  a group with your friends and then compete with each other, like tell each other what you learned the previous day. Trust me envy and jealousy, if used in positive ways, can bring success to you. GOOD LUCK.

    There is no shortcut to studies. If you want to be something, then have to burn midnight oil.

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