
How to support children learning through an additional langua?

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Sitting Svq level 2 and im really stuck




  1. I have answered a similar question already on this section so may be worth looking up other open and closed questions on here.

    But ideas to help you:

    1) USe of makaton signing as a method of communication-it is accompanied with speech and so it encourages non-speakers, children who's first language is not english and children with special education needs to get their meaning across.

    2) PEC's/symbols: basically picture cards that give a visual prompt or visual communication. This can be in form of a book that children use to find the pictrue they need to show adult, a timetable on the wall showing a sequence etc.

    3) Body language: being at their level, open posture, smiles, eye contact etc will support children when they learn the social side to communication. It also shows you are listening and paying attention to them so they are more likely to try communicating.

    4) Translator/interpretor to support children in learning a new language, support the parents if they do not speak English . They can translate key words sfor you to use, translate letters etc.

    5) Liaise with parents and carers as they will have a good understanding of the child;s needs, wants and interests.

    6) Seek specialist support from local LEA advisors and support groups.

    7) Practice and play: The more chidlren practice language. see it used, hear it etc and have fun with it the easier and quicker they will pick it up-this is true for signing and languages.

    There is a good NVQ handbook from Waterstones and Amazon that may be useful to you!

  2. Well, how did it work on me? Forcing, my mom forced me to learn new languages, and now, I can speak 4 XD

    Well, that's not what I suggest, you might need to move to another country, but don't take that advice.

    I HIGHLY suggest you buying them a video tapes from another languages, and sow how fascinating it is, or buy computer games from another language, that always work even though it takes a lot of time, or you can teach them one letter or word at a time, don;t blow up if they don't get it the first 3 times, it took me 1 year to learn Mandarin, 7 years for French, 2 years of English and 3 years of Spanish.

    Remember, it takes time.

    Just for the record, I'm only 13 and have HUGE advantages over the other 8th graders. So, I highly suggest for them to at least know 3 languages so they have a better life and advantages, trust me, it will all pay off when they go into Middle School.

  3. visual cue cards are essential try your local portage worker to get hold of some. Reinforcing language development is essential throught the use of simple words and sentence structures repeated and ask the child to say it back to you, SHow pictures of things and demonstrate actions. Remember that young children pick up new languages very quickly if they have the support of an adult who talks to and with thme, Also don't forget to recognise the first language of the child, through books and stories and perhaps ask the parent to come in read a story in the child's first language. hope these ideas get you started on your assignement. Check the EYFS documant, supporting children with an additional language, available at

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