
How to survive a controlling parent.?

by  |  earlier

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without thinking about suicide.




  1. Stop thinking about suicide and realize you will be 18 one day.Work towards that and do what you are told in the mean time.Then you will see that maybe your controlling parent wasn't so bad after all when you see all the c**p your friends  have gotten into whose parents  do not control them at all.

  2. I have no pity for suicidal TEENAGERS.

    If you can't make it as a teen, what makes you think you can make it as an adult??

    BE STRONG. Suicide, (although I'm sure you've heard this a thousand times) is NOT the answer. It's a permanent fix for a TEMPORARY problem. It will not make you, or your family, or friends feel any better. It will hurt them all. Do you want them to be hurt? If you care about them, then just get suicide out of your mind completely.

    DO THIS: start thinking like an adult. Every time something happens with your parents just pretend you're older and react like you would if you were an adult. If that doesn't work, then just count down the days until you're out of that h**l hole and on your own! Good luck babe!

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