
How to survive alone?

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If you where all alone in a forest with nothing at all, what could you use that you have learned in science class that could help you survive or stay alive until you are found or escape




  1. it would probably take all night but i could rub 2 stones together to make fire? i have no idea if that even works

  2. Look at wilderness books or My Side of the Mountain. Thats a really good book for that kind of info.

    that website is good, too.

  3. -collect rainwater

    -build a shelter

  4. Anything I may have learned about survival would be from t.v. and movies, not school.  If you know you will be looked for then stay where you are.  Build a fire, there are many ways.  I know most of them.  Clear an area where you can be seen and use the stuff to build a shelter.  If you think no one is looking for you then find a stream or river and follow it down.  All water goes somewhere and people live or camp near water.  A lot depends on where you are lost.  U.S., South America, Africa, etc.

  5. I would use only one thing my teacher tought me. "how to use my brain"

  6. silly question, this is where all the stuff i learned from survival school comes into play.

  7. I didn't think science class taught survival skills, at least mine didn't. I learned a lot of cool things in science class though. How things tick, chemical reactions, how things adapt and stuff like that.

    For survival I would imagine you'd just use common sense. Watch survival man or something if you're worried about it.

  8. I'm assuming you'd be all alone without any kind of tools.

    Well, I'd first forage around and look for a weapon. You need some protection just in case and something to hunt animals for food. I would use properties of physics to break large pieces of wood I want to use. Then I would try to find a large stone to sharpen the rocks.

    Then I would look for rocks and shrubbery and try to make a small fire to cook with. Then I would try to make a large torch with the right piece of wood to attract others attention.

    If possible, I would try to find a the tallest nice and sturdy tree and try to make a ladder to get up there. I would sit there and try to listen for any signs of human life, and try to look as far as I can for any areas where trees are cut down, just in case it may be a road. If nothing arises within a day, I would figure out which direction I need to go by looking at the sun and find out where it sets. I would need to gather a lot of food for a long trek.

    Man, I wish that happened to me. It reminds of two great books I read as a kid: My Side of the Mountain and The Hatchet.

  9. stay busy, build a shelter from sticks, make sure it is slanted to help water flow during a rain storm. build a fire using one of about 10 matchless methods that can be found by googling matchless fire. find a stream or water. purify it by cooking it over the fire to kill bacteria. find food or kill food. cook it. eat it. sleep. and continue staying busy. if you get bored and lonely you will die.

  10. I would keep my head up and stay strong and believe on that i would get out of there one day.And i would eat what i found healthy and eat-able in that forrest and sleep somewhere safe where no wild animals could get near me.

  11. Been there. Done that.

    Do you have an anthropology question?

  12. Stay where you are! Don't go and get all adventerous, Becuase it would be more hard to find you. Usually if you find shrubs you can tie them into a blanket it wont be the best warmth, but it helps,

  13. First, in order to survive, you must understand that there are three main things needed; they are provisions and water, clothes, and shelter.

    Provisions and water can be gained from the plants, the river, and more.

    Clothes can be used from fur of animals.

    Shelter can be made out of woods, leaves, etc.

  14. Wood burns. This could help me build a fire.

  15. Shelter would come first. Limbs, leaves, and vines would make a shelter. Water could be taken off leaves. Food could be nuts, roots, plants, mushrooms and berries. Vines could make snares for animals.

    Fire could be made from dried grasses and two sticks, then twigs and later limbs, could be added. Limbs could be made into utensils, such as a spit, fork, spoon, etc....... Sharp rocks could be used as knives and flat ones could be used as cooking surfaces.  Hollow out a burl and use it for a bowl, pot, or trap.

    Moss could be used as a dressing for wounds, a "sponge", and many other items. Jewel weed could be used to counteract poison ivy.

    You could notch trees, when exploring and follow the stars to know your coordinates.

    There are many, many things, I've learned, from science, and I think I would do fine, if lost.

  16. see i would use trees and twigs and make a shelter then i would make a very sharp stick and use that to hunt. and i would just stay alive till i got bord and built a sack out of huge leaves to carry food in and hike my way out.

  17. well i could work off os stuff and live with that stuff
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