
How to survive drop tower rides?

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I have never been on one but they look terrifying! I really want to try one though but I was wondering are there any special techniques so you don't get that horrible feeling in your stomach? Like tensing up or something. Any tips?




  1. those rides are alot of fun, i dont think u can stop the feeling but it just makes it more exciting, best thing is just not to worry & enjoy urself

  2. Drop tower rides can make just about anyone out there nervous. It is all about the anticipation of the drop as you climb sloooowwwly up the tower. I suggest that you try some smaller rides first to get used to things a little. However, if you haven't had your morning coffee and want to wake yourself up, riding a drop tower first thing will do the trick. :)

    I don't know of any special techniques, but ride some smaller rides first. Also, try to relax as much as possible. Tensing up may cause you to feel uncomfortable. You will more than likely feel a little nervous, but that is what these rides are all about. Bring a close friend and chat their ear off! You both will more than likely get a good laugh out of your reactions to the ride. Remember, being a little scared is part of the experience, and is what makes it so much fun!

    Everytime I go to a park with a drop tower I HAVE to ride it. I love these rides, and the friends that go to amusement parks with me either wait patiently on a bench by the exit or ride with me several times. :)

    Just go for it, relax, and enjoy the ride. Remember, if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again.

  3. ok well ive been on the tower of terror in disneyworld florida ad the way i survived it was :

    . just rememba it will be ova real soon

    . when u get on hold on to any straps belts or saftey resraints really well

    . think how much u can boast bout it once uve done it!


    . dnt tense up ur stomach ut only makes it worse! but u can shut ur eyes if it makes u feel beta!

    .and rememba ppl go on it cos its ment to be fun! so enjoy it!!

  4. just do it! you'll love it!!!!!

  5. honestly, just close your eyes and relax. you're only going to feel more sick if you panic and flip out.

  6. Definitely don't eat anything before you take the ride.


  7. Do your best to prevent eating before going on a Drop Tower; if you tend to get slightly nauseous, I advise you eat afterwards! If you have a fear of heights, you may not want to consider a ride like that. My first time on the Drop Zone (Paramount Canada's Wonderland), I didn't at a thing all morning, since I had planned in advance to go on the ride first. (A good tip: Make the DropTower your first ride of the day; then you can eat to your heart's desire) I prepared myself by doing some breathing exercises to relieve the tension and fear inside of me, then entered the seat. When they strap you in, mentally prepare yourself as well. When the ride actually starts, hold onto the side bars with your hands, and if you want you can tense your feet up a bit (it feels weird when your feet are hanging {like your shoes will fall off; oh yeah, wear lace-up shoes, tuck in the laces!} in mid-air) and wait until the ride reaches the top. I fyou want, you can close your eyes, but they give you at least 5 seconds up in the air before they release the ride and you go hurdling down. Make sure to keep your breathing steady and just tense up a bit in your seat. If you still want to hold onto the side bars, feel free to *try*.

    Afterwards, Sit Down somewhere!

    Hope this helped.

  8. Just do it!

  9. just shut your eyes, open your mouth and scream lol

    old hand at roller coaster rides etc.

  10. I rode the Drop Zone stunt tower at Kings Island once and that was it. I can ride everything else but that. It's a circular disk that sits at the bottom of a 315 foot tower. You sit in a position on the edge of the disk with your feet dangling, so all you have to secure you is shoulder bars. The disk slowly turns as it goes up until it comes to the top of the tower and stops. You sit up there for around 7 seconds and suddenly a latch releases and drops you to the ground in 3 seconds at 61 mph with no warning. It scares the living h**l out of me.

    For me there is no way to survive it except stay off it.

    If you do end up scared, just don't ride it again. You won't be the only one, trust me.

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