
How to survive in this world war 2?

by Guest66884  |  earlier

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i hate the sound of the bomb...

how to stop this war?




  1. never mind...transfer to space immediately..

    or kill urself..

  2. realise firstly this isn't a world war and secondly there has already been two, yeh?

  3. Lolz!!!!!

    i like Abdyeshua's answer... hahaha lol !!


  4. its over come out of the bunker

  5. World War 2 ended 63 years ago.  You can come out now.

  6. Just unplug the video

  7. still playing call of duty?  

  8. smash the "ESC" key alot of times, that will end ur video game

  9. try to laughing loudly !!

  10. call captain america =D

  11. Born later than 1945 ... lol

    As for the sound of bomb, maybe can use ear plug or ear muff to minimise ... like those worn by Malaysian Airport Berhad ground crew around aeroplanes ....

    As for 'stopping' this world war 2, it already has been si-top ... unless you are referring to some video or PC game ... lol  

  12. tell each country's president to stop war first.

  13. Close the history book, genitally.  

  14. Just close your diary, dear. Close the book... now go and have a warm glass of milk. Don't forget the pills. No, it's not white blood, it's just milk. Now listen to me... it's over... you fought it and you're alive. Nothings gonna change that, you hear. It's over.

  15. you mean world war 3?

  16. ...hantu jepun ker nie????.....

  17. Become an anti-war protester but I think you're 60 years too late for that particular war though grandpa...  

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