
How to switch the tables on my boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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ok let me explain so some readers can understand my point. my boyfriend and i have been together close to 5 yrs now. we recently had a breakup of 8 months. I actually went and looked for him so we can try it out again. ( mind me if i havent of looked for him maybe he woulda moved on n so would of i). so ever since he feels that im suppose to kiss his azz n stuff. like if this was a game n he won. so what im trying to ask is how can i turn the tables on him so he can kiss my azz or atleast stop acting like that. i do everything what a man wants in a women.




  1. Ask yourself one question. Why did you leave the first time? Okay now that that's answered, here's what you do. It's all a mind game. Fool you before you fool him. Fool yourself to feel nothing, tell yourself why it is that you do not need him in your life and why your life would be better with out him. Once you have the answers then play the act.

    Men only "stay" with some one because of what they lack or because they believe staying with one person makes them feel good about something in thier lives so once you've got that figured then you got power. When your man knows that he can do what he wants with you with no concequence they are like children they will react the same, they will Never mean to do it and they will Always be sorry- so again Play the part! Call him when you have nothing better to do, tell him you'll squeeze him in to your busy schedule and when he starts acting out then you calmly Re-act. You have ALL the power- knowing how to use it is what you lack. Seek your self out then once you have that covered- this dude will be "apple pie" - if you know what I mean.  

  2. I dont know what to tell you if he means that much to you . If not just be yourself and if he doesn,t like it tell him to move on.  

  3. ask him y he is doing this , tell him if  he doesnt stop your leaving him if he  wants to be an a**  your not going to stand around and take it  you can and will get better then him

  4. The mistake u made was to let him think that he is God's gift to women, sorry to say it but he has flipped the script on u, now u have to either live with his kiss a$$ attitude or dump his a$$, he thought for some reason b/c u went back with him that he has the right to treat you in that manner, and u must kiss his sorry a$$, i think you should dump him, he won't stop treating you like that, he thinks its all a game, and he won't grow up, so just dump him, and in the future hun, never run down any man, never think that u must go after them, if ur love is worth it, they'll come back to you, stay true to your game!GL!

  5. i agree... move on

  6. Ok first of all with this situation, it will always be a back and forth game that will never stop I promise you that. If you want to change things the truth is guys in that "cocky" sense don't really want the woman u might be thinking you need to be. To get back in the driver's seat u have to distance yourself, make him look for you no matter how pissy he might get that you didn't call. if you have a dog or if you watch some dog training shows, its sad but true it's very similiar on how you should treat him. Google how to train you man to listen and you will see for yourself

  7. Stop wasting your time on him.

  8. OH hun, you sound like a very intelligent young lady,why do u waste your time on losers such as your BF, i mean, if he's into playing mind games then he's not one to waste time on, u need to get out of that relationship, if all he's doing is playing with you hun, life is too short to play mind games let alone letting him think that he's worth your time.He sounds very immature, lose the loser, and get yourself a hero, a keeper hun.GL to you!

  9. dump him again, and cut off all communication with him no text, calls, seeing each other make him want you

  10. i do everything what a man wants in a women.

    And maybe that's the goddamn problem.

  11. honestly hun, i'd dump him and find someone that really is serious about being in a relationship with me, he sounds like a real jerk,and seems like he likes to play childish games.Forget him hun!

  12. you are giving all to the wrong man. If he wanted you he would have found you.

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