
How to tackle a mean teacher?

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I'm one of the best students in my class but the course instructor is really mean to us. She doesn't explain things in details, just avoids complex topics and then sets super hard questions in the quizzes and the mid-terms and when the general student population gets below 70% she shows a temper tantrum. Last week, she gave a project outline to us on the 22nd and then started badgering us to submit too much info to her within just 3 days time !! Most recently, I went to meet with her about my confusions about the project and she folded her hands, started giving me the usual lecture implying we're lazy slow hobos.

How do you avoid situations like this where the listener is a course instructor and determined to put you down and how should I reply without appearing rude to a senior teacher ?




  1. If you plan on going to college, it is best to just get used to it because college professors have literally hundreds of other students and it will appear as if you are just a face or number in the crowd.  But be prepared, you will run into more teachers like the teacher you have now.  It's nothing really once you learn how to react and what to expect so that you can deal with the teacher in the best way.  Good luck to you

  2. boy i had a teacher just like that

    jst waited for him to slip up a lil bit

    and BAM i was in the principle office-

    and i wasnt alone either

    but as soon as he started yellin the next day about gettin fired all of a sudden i was all alone in that office according to everyone

  3. I have a teacher like that before. It was really annoying. You and your classmates should help like we do. First know the teacher's history(maybe he/she had a problem), Second Observe him/her. Third Accept him/her or welcome him/her. Fourth approach the teacher. Fifth if ever thers a time(not in class, maybe in breaks)be with him/her(eat with or be with)

    thats what we do....THEN if thats not the solution...when ever thers a parent's meeting encounter, tell your parents to report...thats what we do...Just have faith, trust, and pray. Then double your adjustements in the teacher's style of teaching....^_^

  4. mportan info on colleges

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  5. Has any one ever said anything to her such as.......

    Have a good day.........Are you having a good day today..........

    Are you okay..............No, really are you okay??

    There is a time when even a teacher needs to know that when some one ask her something...they really mean it......

    There's something going on behind the way she is ??.....If more people treated her like a person...she would lay off........It might take a little while for her to turn herself around.....But, she will

    It might help if the next time......she crawls down your throat.......You tell her.....I know you are trying to get your point across to me........I came to you because I need your help.......I am here to learn what you teach me......No matter how hard I try sometimes I don't understand...and I need your help I can learn........

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