
How to take Critisism Positevly!?

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I'm a 10 y/o girl and I take almost everything defensively (not things about my country etc and positive things of course)

How can I take critisism positevly?




  1. You have to accept criticism and take it as a means of improving yourself. I'm not really sure specifically what sort of criticism is bothering you, but a lot of times people criticize other people on a professional basis, meaning that they aren't doing it to hurt your feelings, but rather to help you get better at doing something or maybe try a new fashion that might suit you better than your current one. You have to learn to separate between personal criticism (people who are just trying to hurt your feelings), and professional criticism (people who don't mean to hurt you, but are giving you their reccomendations for your own benefit).

  2. Every Man Talks About Others. He Doesnt Think About How He Is, So Never Care What Others Do Or Say Or Critisize. Just Say Thanks And See.

  3. I think half the time criticism is just something people do whey they don't fully understand something. Most of the time when someone is criticizing they don't know what they are talking about but some people are just trying to give advise while others are trying to put you down. Not all criticism is a negative thing but it can be negative and is often taken the wrong way. I criticize people when I don't understand something someone is doing or want someone else to improve on something or when I feel my way of doing it is better. Its quite a selfish thing really and I always feel bad for it after wards. When you get criticized its the critics problem not yours, it doesn't mean criticism has to be ignored.

  4. Criticism is not a negative word.  A critic can tell you good things as well as bad things.  the problem is that most people think of criticism in a negative way when, indeed, it can go both ways.

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