
How to take a break from TTC?

by  |  earlier

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I've been trying for over a year now and I had a miscarriage back in May. I heard that it was supposedly really easy to conceive after a mc, but I didn't (believe me, we tried). It's now 3 months after the mc and I still haven't gotten my BFP. I'm sure those of you who have been TTC can understand my disappointment and frustration. That's why I've decided to take a break from TTC and relax for a little bit. The only problem is that I don't know how to. I see babies and pregnant moms everywhere and that just gets me to wishing and stressing out about TTC that I just try harder. I want to be able to relax and be able to leave the house without the fear of breaking my contentment. For those of you who have chosen to take a break from TTC before or are going through it now, what did you do to get in the right mindset? Should I also talk to my hubby about not mentioning things like, "When are you going to get knocked up?" Yes, he says it but it's said in the joking way that we have with each other, he's not being an ***, I promise. Anyhow, any input and knowledgeable advice would be appreciated. Try not to be rude :)




  1. Sorry to hear about your situation.

    Taking a break mainly is a mental thing.  When you don't think about it and get consumed by it, you will enjoy the intimacy with your husband more, and chances are, making your body much more receptive to conceiving your baby.  Continue working on your "romance" with you spouse, and hopefully you will get exactly what you desire.

  2. when i was trying for my 2nd( he is 8 years old now) it just wasn't happening every month i thought i was pg and every month got a BFN so i ended up getting that depressed i got tired of it so i thought sod it and started getting exited over other things didn't work at the time and couldn't drive...started looking for jobs and looking around for driving instructors was really in to it...of course then not long after found out i was pg couldn't believe it...its not easy as I'm now trying for #4 and cant stop thinking about it but I'm going to try and forget and just see what happens  

  3. I know -- these pregnant women are everywhere, aren't they?! I secretly think they follow us around on purpose, or we've got a hidden symbol on your foreheads that says "Desperately TTC" or something. I went for my CD21 progesterone tests on the last 3 days and I swear everyone was pregnant there. Teenagers, women older than me (which is a tiny category, let me tell you!), the lot!

    The first month I stopped TTC, my luteal phase was 3 days longer (it had always been 10 days or so) and I know therefore that taking a break can help. It didn't get me pregnant however, so it's not THAT effective so far :)  My new technique is to chart my BBTs and CM and use my

    FM right up through 3dpo, so I know ovulation is confirmed. Then I stop charting. It stops me from logging into every morning and after a few days, I've lost track of the DPO. Then when AF arrives, it's surprise but not a shock. I'm much less disappointed that way. And I figured that if I do get pregnant, I will be past 14dpo when I realize the date and my BBTs will probably still be high (in the 98s) and then I'll test and get a BFP first time!!! Anyway, it's worth a try. Anything to stop the stress. Good luck sweetie xoxoxoxoxox

  4. i get how you're feeling. i've only had two disspointments though. what i suggest is a nice and quiet getaway.=)

    my prayers for u, dear.

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