
How to take adderall as a study drug?

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I'm thinking about taking adderall/ritalin based drugs to enhance study during this years end of of year exams, I can't seem to find any information on taking the drug as a non ADD user and taking it as a study/recreational drug, I want to know how to take it, how to come off it, the risks, health risks etc, any tutorials/guides/how to's would.




  1. if you just were studious all semester and went to office hours you wouldn't need to cram.  however, i'd say make sure you drink lots of water, and chew some gum during your exam, it increases blood flow to your head, and your brain and makes your brain more oxygenated and it works more efficiently

  2. I don't recommend it.  I know of someone who had a seizure during his final exam.  If anything, you should go for something like caffeine.  Both are stimulants, and both will give you the results you want.  You can buy caffeine pills OTC so that's not a problem either.

    This is from Wikipedia: "However, the user reportedly can suffer from drastic side effects the following day if Adderall was used to avoid a normal sleep pattern. These reported side effects include temporary loss of vision, sleeping over 14 hours, muscle spasms, vomiting, mental confusion, etc."

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