
How to take care of Mosquito Fish?

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Whats the best way to have the tank set up for them? What should i feed them since they were caught from a natural habitat? Whats the best size tank for 3 of them?




  1. I would keep them in a 10 gallon tank it is very roomy for them and try putting lots of live plants and maybe artifical logs such as this it should make them feel like their in a natural habitat

  2. I would treat them like I would a guppy, warmer water and plenty of room and feed it live food instead of flake.

  3. 3 gallons each should be fine

    they my even breed

  4. definetally the hardiest fish i have ever come accross. they will live through pretty much anything... including my sister! haha. the bigger the tank the better, i would reccomend at least 10-20g. they are very active little creatures and will enjoy as much room as they can get. a staple of flake food should be fine. at least twice a week feed them either frozen, freeze-dried  or better still live bloodworms, brine shrimp, dafnia etc. as with most fish, they will appreciate a natural setting with live plants, driftwood etc. make sure there is still pleanty of open swimming space for them.

    when you say they are coming from 'a natural habitat', i can almost 100% guaruntee you they have been introduced. they are a noxious pest in many places, and here in australia they are killing off our native wildlife, such as the golden bell frog (or something along those lines) and many species of native fish.

    non-the-less, good luck :)

  5. Mosquito fish are closely related to guppies and have similar habits and feeding requirements.  Sometimes female mosquito fish are mistaken for wild guppies and put into tanks with feeder guppies because they look so similar to female wild guppies.  You can treat them just the same as guppies.  A 5 gallon can hold 3 for a while, but won't give them much room to swim.  A 10 gallon tank would be better and could hold about 7-8 fish.  You should keep a ratio of 2 females for each male, and feed them small amounts of food once or twice a day.  They can eat most any kind of tropical fish food, flakes, pellets, bloodworms, tubifex worms, earthworms, mosquito larvae, egg yolk, green pea innards, baby food, algae, etc.  They should be kept at a temperature of 76-82 degrees F and will appreciate some plants or decor in the tank so they can feel like they can hide.

  6. Well the are called mosquito fish for a reason. They eat mosquito larvae. From what ive heard about them they are meant to be kept in ponds so that you dont have mosquitos.

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